Hive open mic week256 (celebrate Jesus celebrate by Don Moen) #cover#
Greetings beloved people of hive open mic week256, am so happy to share my on part in this community this week, i will be singing a cover of a song by Don Moen title #celebrate# my name is @franco10. Infact as for me I see these as an opportunity and a previlege for me to bring out the best and creativity in me as a musician. This initiative of this community is a nice one because it will help the musicians to grow in daily basis and also to bring our the hidden talents in us because every day topic is been given to us, this community initiative it has really exposed me to sing on my own way. Though it is not easy for me to start but i know with God all things are possible. I want to thanks 🙏 the leadership of this great community, I pray that God almighty will give you more wisdom to carry out this great task.This artist name Don Moen is a gospel singer, producer and a songwriter his good in R&B This young man is a devoted minister of the gospel in various churches, His awards and recognition he has received a lot of recognition, the reason for this song is to remind us that we should celebrate Jesus in everything we do
This gospel singer i love his songs so much expercially this very one, thank 🙏 you for your time God bless ♥️.
Saludos queridos personas de Hive Open Mic Week256, estoy muy feliz de compartir mi parte en esta comunidad esta semana, estaré cantando una versión de una canción de Don Moen Título # Celebrate # Mi nombre es @Franco10. De hecho, en cuanto a mí, veo estos como una oportunidad y un prevectivo para que yo resalte lo mejor y la creatividad en mí como músico. Esta iniciativa de esta comunidad es buena porque ayudará a los músicos a crecer a diario y también a traer nuestros talentos ocultos en nosotros porque se nos ha dado un tema diario, esta iniciativa comunitaria realmente me ha expuesto a cantar a mi manera. Aunque no es fácil para mí comenzar, sé que con Dios todas las cosas son posibles. Quiero agradecer 🙏 El liderazgo de esta gran comunidad, rezo para que Dios todopoderoso le dé más sabiduría para llevar a cabo esta gran tarea. Este nombre de artista Don Moen es un cantante de gospel, productor y compositor su bien en R&B. Este joven es un ministro devoto del evangelio en varias iglesias, su premio y reconocimiento que recibió un gran reconocimiento, la razón de esta canción es para recordarnos que nos recuerda que nos recuerda que nos recuerda que nos recuerda que debemos celebrarnos.
Este cantante de gospel amo tanto sus canciones experimentalmente este mismo, gracias por tu tiempo, Dios bendiga ♥.
Celebrate, Jesus celebrate
Celebrate, Jesus celebrate
Celebrate, Jesus celebrate
Celebrate, Jesus celebrate
He is risen, He is risen
And He lives forevermore
He is risen, He is risen
Come on and celebrate
The resurrection of our Lord
Celebrate, Jesus celebrate
Celebrate, Jesus celebrate
Celebrate, Jesus celebrate
Celebrate, Jesus celebrate
He is risen, He is risen
And He lives forevermore
He is risen, He is risen
Come on and celebrate
Come on
The resurrection of our Lord
Celebrate, Jesus celebrate
Celebrate, Jesus celebrate
Celebrate, Jesus celebrate
Celebrate, Jesus celebrate
He is risen, He is risen
And He lives forevermore
He is risen, He is risen
Come on and celebrate
Come on and celebrate
Come on and celebrate
The resurrection of our Lord
He is risen, He is risen
And He lives forevermore
He is risen, He is risen
Come on and celebrate
Come on and celebrate
Come on and celebrate
The resurrection of our Lord
Big man you are always doing well keep up the good work
@morentis am only trying my best oooo thank 🙏 you Mani really appreciate
You are always welcome
Guy keep up the good work I love your entry sir
O yes we celebrate the resurrected Jesus. Beautiful rendition from you.
@mamab thank 🙏 you for always coming around to encourage me am glad 👍
Wow, this sounds really good bro. Keep it up 💯💪🏽💯.
Thank 🙏 you thank 🙏 you am happy you like it 👍
Keep sharing your talent and celebrating Jesus through your music.
@g2comfort is a promise i will do it till the end of time thank 🙏 you sis
Wow, the truth is I heard this song since my childhood but I had never heard it in English and it fits very well, although it is a simple song, the truth is it is quite beautiful.
@sampraiseve thank God you hard now in English and i believe you are happy thank 🙏 you for visiting 👍
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Thank 🙏 you for coming
i really like the lyrics of this song, thanks to bring this, gbu bro
Yeah we'll keep celebrating Jesus forevermore Jesus is risen and He lives forevermore. Isn't it amazing 😍
Nice entry from you brother I celebrate grace.
Amazing presentation boss 👍👍, l really enjoy it
Lovely song choice sir, He lives forever, we ought to celebrate His glory
Wow you sang, very well sir ,and you are a very great fun of don Moen and it reminds me of some one very special my dad