A visual shot video and cheers to aliento team

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Empezando el sábado bien temprano luego de terminar varios oficios en casa me grabé a ver qué tal sonaba esto sobre la pista/instrumental que acabo de recibir la cuál será parte de un tema con equipoWU-LATINO el cuál está formado por distintos rappers de Latinoamérica.

Starting early Saturday morning after finishing some work at home I recorded myself to see how this sounded on the track/instrumental I just received which will be part of a track with teamWU-LATINO which is formed by different rappers from Latin America.

Al principio le envié saludos al equipo @aliento y a los panas de @espavlog.

At first I sent greetings to the @aliento team and the @espavlog crew.

Esto del rap simplemente es un gusto y pasión que me permite expresarme ya que desde niño fuí ese chamo callado que le costaba hablar de si mismo, ya a éstas alturas gracias al rap y la escritura he superado todos esos obstáculos.

This rap is simply a pleasure and passion that allows me to express myself because since I was a kid I was that quiet kid who had a hard time talking about himself, and by now thanks to rap and writing I have overcome all those obstacles.

Les regalo éstas fotografías tomadas anoche y hoy en la mañana.

I give you these pictures taken last night and this morning.





  • U like it?

Yea, me either.

But down there in my profile is good true content, if u want good one find it on @fonestreet profile.

  • graffiti?


Lot of them!!

video lyrics and instrumentals are my owns.

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