Improv - El desafío de tu Alma | The challenge of your Soul

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Hola Hive, hoy les comparto una nueva improvisación o más bien algo que pretendo transformar en una canción más armada ya que me gustó la melodía como la letra que surgió en el momento.

Hey Hive, today is share a new improv or rather something that I am working on to turn into a complete song but this was the original flow that led into it.

Por ahora hice un video con la letra y aunque la canción era más larga solo rescaté el fragmento que realmente me gustó para así poder practicarlo y llevarlo más allá.

For now I made this video with the lyrics though the song was longer I just rescued the fragment that I really liked so that I could practice it and karaoke mode and take it further.

No voy a hacer ningún misterio sobre lo que se trata esta canción... Es sobre la adicción y aunque muchas personas no se dan cuenta, todos somos adictos a algo. Algunas personas son adictas a cosas que son estigmatizadas socialmente pero otras tienen adicciones más sutiles que no son visibles a primera vista.

I'm not going to make a mystery about what this song is about... it's about addiction and though many people don't realize it we're all addicted to something, some people are addicted to things that are stigmatized socially but others have more subtle addictions that are not visible at first sight.

Independiente de cuál sea la adicción pienso que no deberíamos vivir toda la vida atrapados en el círculo de gratificar y luego sentir el vacío de no poder ejercer nuestra voluntad y lograr vivir la mejor versión de nuestras vidas.

Independent of what the addiction is I think we shouldn't live all our lives trapped in the circle of gratification and afterwards feeling the void of not being able to make our will prevail so that we can live the best version of our lives.

Lyrics in English:

Hey, I know
That you feel the desire
To let your power
Dissolve into pleasure
Maybe it will be
a temporary relief
To your ailments
To your loneliness
But first you can try
To listen to the your inner voice
First you can try to breathe
A little deeper please
And get out
To take in the sun
Sing to live
To get your power back

Don't let them
Take away the
hope in your eyes today
Don't give them
The satisfaction
Of seeing you fall
into temptation
We're more than you think
Trying to wake up
Freeing ourselves from the claws
Of oppression and all evil
Today we will triumph in our
Personal struggle
And then towards the collective
But first you must overcome
The challenge of your Soul

▶️ 3Speak


I definitely have my addictions for sure. I like this a lot dude!


Thanks bro I appreciate it 😁


Of course man! Thanks for being a part of the Acoustic Lounge!
