
Life is beautiful and dreams are achievable with the right support and companionship. One of the blessings of life and humanity is to have a "soulmate" i.e. someone whom one is in marital (romantic) relationship with and with whom one can do life together. Such a person will be a good complement and has a unique supply with the combined effects having a multiplied impacts though the personalities are different but mutualistic and synergistic.

"Soulmate" is really possible based on my experience and from that seen around me. I lived life at a level when i was a bachelor but when i got married to my heartthrob, i experienced a shift or an upgrade in major areas of my life endeavors. Uniquely among those life endeavors of mine is doing music with my wife. She is a talented singer and I'm a skilled instrumentalist, a keyboardist in specific. We both have been into music right from childhood which became more amplified when we got married. I enjoyed doing music with her and she has learnt alot from me aswell.

Another unique effect of our togetherness is sharing ideas, concepts and initiatives that makes for bigger impact. For example, my wife introduced me to Hive platform late last year and she mentored me on how to navigate on this platform even as a starter. This was really helpful for me as through it our music, writing and other inherent abilities found expression. I have been an active member and recipients of awards, honourable mentions, artiste of the week in music communities such as @hiveopenmic, @musiczone, @afri-tunes, @vibes. I have accompanied my wife's music presentation on some of these communities aswell. Also, in our chosen careers both in health science field, we have been helpful to each other.

In addition, the unique connection between me and my wife based on mutual perception, values, understanding and approach to life has been awesome which shows that indeed "soulmates" is real and true. We discuss together alot and we plan things together which has been easier because of mutual love, honour and respect based on shared values and understanding. There is this acceptance and trust we enjoyed from each other because we are "soulmates" which is difficult or impossible to get from another person. Indeed, we have our differences which is common to every individual as no two persons is the same, however, we find our leverage.

"Soulmates" is indeed possible and true even as seen in marital relationships of people around me. I have seen a couple friend of mine who started as entrepreneurs together and the joint owned business is thriving by the unique supply of each of these "soulmates". Growing up as a child, the knit between my parent is great and worthy of emulation. It is good to note that been soulmates starts from right foundation of mutual trust, honour, acceptance and togetherness despite the individual differences. Life isn't meant to be lived alone as no one is self sustaining but having a "soulmate" is an eternal blessing and treasure. Thank you for reading even as comments and contributions are welcomed.



Your last power up was on February 10th, not even two cents, but since then you've taken so much of your rewards out of the blockchain. That's not really supporting the blockchain at all, or anyone other than yourself...so I cannot support your post with a vote.


Wow, see me reading this and smiling at the same time. I thought there was nothing like having a soulmate but here you are, talking about your soulmate which is your wife. That's interesting
