Día 3 Hivefest- Conferencias en el Palacio de Diocleciano

Día 3 del Hivefest y volvimos nuevamente en barco a Split para disfrutar de las presentaciones de este día en el maravilloso Palacio de Diocleciano, por supuesto un lugar muy hermoso lleno de historia. Ya varios han hablado de las presentaciones de esté día y otros lo vieron en vivo, en mi caso particular disfrute algunas que me parecieron interesantes y enriquecedoras, por lo que asistir fue realmente importante, más allá de reunirse con otros hivers y compartir opiniones. Después de las conferencias vimos el documental espectacular en el que trabajaron @mynewlife y Samm, y puedo decirles que me gustó mucho pero quiero y necesito volver a verlo con subtitulos en español.

Day 3 of the Hivefest and we returned again by boat to Split to enjoy the presentations of this day in the wonderful Diocletian's Palace, of course a very beautiful place full of history. Several have already talked about the presentations of this day and others saw it live, in my particular case I enjoyed some that I found interesting and enriching, so attending was really important, beyond meeting with other hivers and share opinions. After the conferences we saw the spectacular documentary in which @mynewlife and Samm worked, and I can tell you that I liked it a lot but I want and need to see it again with Spanish subtitles.






El lugar estaba muy organizado, había una mesa con pasapalos y otra con varias bebidas (olvidé hacerle fotos a estos) y las personas que estaban allí sirviendo eran muy amables. Les cuento que era importante tener la tarjeta colgante que nos identificaba como integrantes de Hive ya que sino lo eres necesitabas pagar una entrada, con esta tarjeta podías entrar y salir sin problema, especialmente para agarrar señal telefónica ya que adentro del Palacio no había).

The place was very organized, there was a table with snacks and another with several drinks (I forgot to take pictures of these), and the people who were there serving were very friendly. I can tell you that it was important to have the hanging card that identified us as members of Hive because if you are not you had to pay an entrance fee, with this card you could enter and leave without any problem, especially to get a phone signal since there was no signal inside the Palace).




Cada cierto tiempo hacían alguna pausa para comer, tomar algo o incluso hablar un poco con otros hivers y en mi caso además de hablar también hacerme fotos con algunos de ellos, así que aproveché para hacerme una con @arcange quien les cuento es un tipo genial y muy agradable, también con las preciosas chicas @bugavi, @darine y @olga.maslievich; pude hablar español con @kesilgonzalez y @missbitcoin-sv quienes también son increíbles y resulta que Kesil es casi un vecino para mí al igual que @mynewlife así que espero que nos volvamos a ver pronto. Ah y como olvidar a @jarvie a quien después de decirle que mi inglés no era bueno, me dijo en español: "no te preocupes" y es que resulta que el también habla español jajaja (faltó nuestra foto).

Every now and then they would take a break to eat, have a drink or even talk a little bit with other hivers and in my case besides talking I could also take pictures with some of them, so I took the opportunity to take one with @arcange who I tell you is a great guy and very nice, also with the beautiful girls @bugavi, @darine and @olga.maslievich; I was able to speak Spanish with @kesilgonzalez and @missbitcoin-sv who are also awesome and it turns out that Kesil is almost a neighbor to me as well as @mynewlife so I hope we meet again soon. Oh and how can I forget @jarvie who after I told him that my English wasn't good, he told me in Spanish: "no te preocupes" and it turns out he speaks Spanish too hahaha (our picture was missing).






Para finalizar este día todos salimos a ver el espectacular también Hive Rally Car y a tomarle fotos, yo lo había hecho antes pero esas fotos se las comparto mañana y por último pero no menos importante nos fuimos a pagar un café con HBD en una cafetería pero éramos mucho y Olivia estaba estresante así que en lugar de tomar un café ahí, mi esposo y yo nos fuimos a comer Ćevapi aunque me hubiese gustado también vivir la experiencia allí, aún así sin duda otro día maravilloso y cada cosa que hicimos la disfruté mucho.

To end this day we all went out to see the spectacular also Hive Rally Car and take pictures of it, I had done it before but those pictures I will share with you tomorrow and last but not least we went to pay a coffee with HBD in a cafeteria but we were a lot and Olivia was stressing so instead of having a coffee there, my husband and I went to eat Ćevapi although I would have liked to live the experience there too, still without a doubt another wonderful day and every thing we did I enjoyed it very much.



Traducido con www.DeepL.com/Translator (versión gratuita)


Ya estás en las ligas mayores nena! Que mal que no pudieras ir por el café, aunque igual se nota que disfrutaste bastante ese día.


Amennnnn. Sí, de todas formas lo disfrutamos mucho😍


Me alegra inmenso saber que formaste parte de ese gran evento, pero me hace más feliz ver que lo disfrutaste con MUCHA intensidad, ese es el camino muñeca (nunca lo olvides).


Así es amiga, lo disfruté con mucha intensidad. Estoy feliz de poder asistir


Sete ve demasiado feliz en cada foto ami😍😍que emocion que pudiste ser parte de tan importante evento😍😍


Si amiga, qué emoción. Espero que podamos ir al siguiente, esperoooo ajjaja


Let's delve into the Builda whale farm on the Hive, Gogreenbuddy, who is also colloquially known as the Marky mark USAINVOTE UPMYVOTE IPROMOTE PUNKTEAM and 100's more if not thousands this individual has asserted that his intentions behind this initiative are driven by a desire to contribute positively to the community. Now, let's explore what he is earning on a monthly basis from this venture. income is said to be generated through the use of multiple alternative accounts, which he utilizes to cast votes in favor of his own shit content. The community seems to have mixed feelings about this practice many are scared to speak up.

Are you ready to delve deeper into this topic and uncover more insights? If so, let's proceed. It's time to wake up and gain a clearer understanding of the situation at hand.


Curation Rewards

Total rewards according to loaded activities and filters
Time loaded: 25 days ago
Total HP: 15,283.568
Total HBD: 0.000
Total HIVE: 0.000

The Marky mark

Curation Rewards

Total rewards according to loaded activities and filters
Time loaded: a month ago
Total HP: 13,913.812
Total HBD: 0.000
Total HIVE: 0.000



Curation Rewards

Total rewards according to loaded activities and filters
Time loaded: Jul 20, 2024
Total HP: 7,026.082
Total HBD: 0.000
Total HIVE: 0.000



Curation Rewards

Total rewards according to loaded activities and filters
Time loaded: Jul 22, 2024
Total HP: 28.306
Total HBD: 0.000
Total HIVE: 0.000



Curation Rewards

Total rewards according to loaded activities and filters
Time loaded: Jul 15, 2024
Total HP: 1,960.063
Total HBD: 0.000
Total HIVE: 0.000


On Hive a significant issue exists with automatic upvotes consistently rewarding the same individuals day in and day out

We want to address the issue of downvoting. It has caused pain to many people, and we want to make sure it doesn't happen again reply to @jacobtothe

On Hive a significant issue exists with automatic upvotes consistently rewarding the same individuals day in and day out

We hope that those who genuinely care about Hive will reconsider their actions, as continuing down this path could inadvertently harm innocent users who are unaware of these issues

lol the Marky mark keeps dreaming

There's been a notable increase in frustration and concern among many users

Reply 2 @crimsonclad You may consider yourself clever

Reply to @crimsonclad

Consider revising the value plan, as it's not providing significant benefits to HIVE

The Value Plan, as it stands, seems to be a one-sided relationship with the HIVE platform, where the benefits are one-way

Actions indeed speak louder than words, a fact we've all observed individuals may talk a good game, a whole lot of shit, but their actions often expose their genuine nature LOL

We consider it unwise to engage in harmful actions, even if you think you can escape the repercussions


The Hive Police aka Hivewatchers, are the real heroes of Hive LOL, aren't they?

Feast your eyes on Hive's trending page, what a load of trash

LoL it's the Hivewatchers Hive Police, dishing out orders like a bakery LOL! Folks, do what you want with your Hive power, just as you please. And you, Hivewatchers, downvote away, but remember, judgment day's coming

Harry fam We're just here, laughing at the shenanigans on Hive! Sure, our content's getting downvoted, but hey, it's all part of the game LOL


adm [-]
meesterboom [-]
steemcleaners [-]
jacobtothe [-]
logic [-]
chekohler [-]
b00m [-]
celestegray [-]
citizensmith [-]
sazbird [-]
technicalside [-]
bagpuss [-]
vxn666 [-]
spaminator [-]
meestemboom [-]
ihal0001 [-]
tillmea [-]
meesterleo [-]
meesterbrain [-]
unclefunker [-]
and 1 more


On Hive, there's a user who frequently burns a significant amount of Hive LOL with his own accounts

How To Fool An Entire Population

it's so, so concerning to see Blocktrades delegating 2+ million Hive power to Buildawhale, and Buildawhale is downvoting legitimate content

We began sharing factual information following unwarranted downvotes on Hive it's all in the transactions

Upon examining our posts, you will notice they have been downvoted, and we've been labeled as scammers and spammers, which we find amusing. We consistently share new content

Once again, we ask why is our legit content being downvoted on Hive and what is the reason behind it. Hivewatchers ADM spaminator steemcleaners guiltyparties logic

We have Hive witnesses farming Hive, self-voting, operating comment farms, and self-funding projects with community resources















Posted using Bilpcoin


Delegated: 4,046,288 HP
@buildawhale 2,308,692 HP Sep 29, 2017
@ocdb 1,171,244 HP May 25, 2018
@usainvote 566,245 HP Aug 16, 2020
@blocktrades.spk 106 HP Aug 8, 2022
Received: 54,605 HP
@kriborin 18,559 HP Aug 9, 2017
@kevtorin 18,559 HP Aug 9, 2017
@lessys 17,093 HP Aug 9, 2017
@aprendizinfinito 129 HP Mar 11, 2022
@klinckify 111 HP Apr 19, 2021
@rt-international 109 HP Dec 14, 2023
@augusto2021 11 HP Dec 22, 2021
@spearhead1976 11 HP Nov 20, 2022
@titovieira 10 HP 5 days ago
@realazazel 4 HP Jun 15, 2020
@stunod 4 HP Feb 8, 2022
@pumpkinmimi 2 HP Oct 15, 2021
@logiczombie 1 HP Dec 24, 2021
@africka 1 HP May 12, 2020



https://hive.blog/hive-167922/@bpcvoter2/https-peakd-com-themarkymark-activities-they-are-are-now-trying-to-hide-to-builda-whale-curation-rewards-lol opo


Let's delve into the Builda whale farm on the Hive, Gogreenbuddy, who is also colloquially known as the Marky mark USAINVOTE UPMYVOTE IPROMOTE PUNKTEAM and 100's more if not thousands this individual has asserted that his intentions behind this initiative are driven by a desire to contribute positively to the community. Now, let's explore what he is earning on a monthly basis from this venture. income is said to be generated through the use of multiple alternative accounts, which he utilizes to cast votes in favor of his own shit content. The community seems to have mixed feelings about this practice many are scared to speak up.

Are you ready to delve deeper into this topic and uncover more insights? If so, let's proceed. It's time to wake up and gain a clearer understanding of the situation at hand.


Curation Rewards

Total rewards according to loaded activities and filters
Time loaded: 25 days ago
Total HP: 15,283.568
Total HBD: 0.000
Total HIVE: 0.000

The Marky mark

Curation Rewards

Total rewards according to loaded activities and filters
Time loaded: a month ago
Total HP: 13,913.812
Total HBD: 0.000
Total HIVE: 0.000



Curation Rewards

Total rewards according to loaded activities and filters
Time loaded: Jul 20, 2024
Total HP: 7,026.082
Total HBD: 0.000
Total HIVE: 0.000



Curation Rewards

Total rewards according to loaded activities and filters
Time loaded: Jul 22, 2024
Total HP: 28.306
Total HBD: 0.000
Total HIVE: 0.000



Curation Rewards

Total rewards according to loaded activities and filters
Time loaded: Jul 15, 2024
Total HP: 1,960.063
Total HBD: 0.000
Total HIVE: 0.000


On Hive a significant issue exists with automatic upvotes consistently rewarding the same individuals day in and day out

We want to address the issue of downvoting. It has caused pain to many people, and we want to make sure it doesn't happen again reply to @jacobtothe

On Hive a significant issue exists with automatic upvotes consistently rewarding the same individuals day in and day out

We hope that those who genuinely care about Hive will reconsider their actions, as continuing down this path could inadvertently harm innocent users who are unaware of these issues

lol the Marky mark keeps dreaming

There's been a notable increase in frustration and concern among many users

Reply 2 @crimsonclad You may consider yourself clever

Reply to @crimsonclad

Consider revising the value plan, as it's not providing significant benefits to HIVE

The Value Plan, as it stands, seems to be a one-sided relationship with the HIVE platform, where the benefits are one-way

Actions indeed speak louder than words, a fact we've all observed individuals may talk a good game, a whole lot of shit, but their actions often expose their genuine nature LOL

We consider it unwise to engage in harmful actions, even if you think you can escape the repercussions


The Hive Police aka Hivewatchers, are the real heroes of Hive LOL, aren't they?

Feast your eyes on Hive's trending page, what a load of trash

LoL it's the Hivewatchers Hive Police, dishing out orders like a bakery LOL! Folks, do what you want with your Hive power, just as you please. And you, Hivewatchers, downvote away, but remember, judgment day's coming

Harry fam We're just here, laughing at the shenanigans on Hive! Sure, our content's getting downvoted, but hey, it's all part of the game LOL


adm [-]
meesterboom [-]
steemcleaners [-]
jacobtothe [-]
logic [-]
chekohler [-]
b00m [-]
celestegray [-]
citizensmith [-]
sazbird [-]
technicalside [-]
bagpuss [-]
vxn666 [-]
spaminator [-]
meestemboom [-]
ihal0001 [-]
tillmea [-]
meesterleo [-]
meesterbrain [-]
unclefunker [-]
and 1 more


On Hive, there's a user who frequently burns a significant amount of Hive LOL with his own accounts

How To Fool An Entire Population

it's so, so concerning to see Blocktrades delegating 2+ million Hive power to Buildawhale, and Buildawhale is downvoting legitimate content

We began sharing factual information following unwarranted downvotes on Hive it's all in the transactions

Upon examining our posts, you will notice they have been downvoted, and we've been labeled as scammers and spammers, which we find amusing. We consistently share new content

Once again, we ask why is our legit content being downvoted on Hive and what is the reason behind it. Hivewatchers ADM spaminator steemcleaners guiltyparties logic

We have Hive witnesses farming Hive, self-voting, operating comment farms, and self-funding projects with community resources















Posted using Bilpcoin


Delegated: 4,046,288 HP
@buildawhale 2,308,692 HP Sep 29, 2017
@ocdb 1,171,244 HP May 25, 2018
@usainvote 566,245 HP Aug 16, 2020
@blocktrades.spk 106 HP Aug 8, 2022
Received: 54,605 HP
@kriborin 18,559 HP Aug 9, 2017
@kevtorin 18,559 HP Aug 9, 2017
@lessys 17,093 HP Aug 9, 2017
@aprendizinfinito 129 HP Mar 11, 2022
@klinckify 111 HP Apr 19, 2021
@rt-international 109 HP Dec 14, 2023
@augusto2021 11 HP Dec 22, 2021
@spearhead1976 11 HP Nov 20, 2022
@titovieira 10 HP 5 days ago
@realazazel 4 HP Jun 15, 2020
@stunod 4 HP Feb 8, 2022
@pumpkinmimi 2 HP Oct 15, 2021
@logiczombie 1 HP Dec 24, 2021
@africka 1 HP May 12, 2020



https://hive.blog/hive-167922/@bpcvoter2/https-peakd-com-themarkymark-activities-they-are-are-now-trying-to-hide-to-builda-whale-curation-rewards-lol iu


Ami, que gran experiencia! Sin duda, rodeada de personas súper agradables 💕. Me gustó mucho verte tan contenta e incluída ✨💕


Así es amiga, una gran experiencia con personas increíbles 🤗


Congratulations @evelynchacin! You have completed the following achievement on the Hive blockchain And have been rewarded with New badge(s)

You received more than 120000 upvotes.
Your next target is to reach 130000 upvotes.

You can view your badges on your board and compare yourself to others in the Ranking
If you no longer want to receive notifications, reply to this comment with the word STOP


Let's delve into the Builda whale farm on the Hive, Gogreenbuddy, who is also colloquially known as the Marky mark USAINVOTE UPMYVOTE IPROMOTE PUNKTEAM and 100's more if not thousands this individual has asserted that his intentions behind this initiative are driven by a desire to contribute positively to the community. Now, let's explore what he is earning on a monthly basis from this venture. income is said to be generated through the use of multiple alternative accounts, which he utilizes to cast votes in favor of his own shit content. The community seems to have mixed feelings about this practice many are scared to speak up.

Are you ready to delve deeper into this topic and uncover more insights? If so, let's proceed. It's time to wake up and gain a clearer understanding of the situation at hand.


Curation Rewards

Total rewards according to loaded activities and filters
Time loaded: 25 days ago
Total HP: 15,283.568
Total HBD: 0.000
Total HIVE: 0.000

The Marky mark

Curation Rewards

Total rewards according to loaded activities and filters
Time loaded: a month ago
Total HP: 13,913.812
Total HBD: 0.000
Total HIVE: 0.000



Curation Rewards

Total rewards according to loaded activities and filters
Time loaded: Jul 20, 2024
Total HP: 7,026.082
Total HBD: 0.000
Total HIVE: 0.000



Curation Rewards

Total rewards according to loaded activities and filters
Time loaded: Jul 22, 2024
Total HP: 28.306
Total HBD: 0.000
Total HIVE: 0.000



Curation Rewards

Total rewards according to loaded activities and filters
Time loaded: Jul 15, 2024
Total HP: 1,960.063
Total HBD: 0.000
Total HIVE: 0.000


On Hive a significant issue exists with automatic upvotes consistently rewarding the same individuals day in and day out

We want to address the issue of downvoting. It has caused pain to many people, and we want to make sure it doesn't happen again reply to @jacobtothe

On Hive a significant issue exists with automatic upvotes consistently rewarding the same individuals day in and day out

We hope that those who genuinely care about Hive will reconsider their actions, as continuing down this path could inadvertently harm innocent users who are unaware of these issues

lol the Marky mark keeps dreaming

There's been a notable increase in frustration and concern among many users

Reply 2 @crimsonclad You may consider yourself clever

Reply to @crimsonclad

Consider revising the value plan, as it's not providing significant benefits to HIVE

The Value Plan, as it stands, seems to be a one-sided relationship with the HIVE platform, where the benefits are one-way

Actions indeed speak louder than words, a fact we've all observed individuals may talk a good game, a whole lot of shit, but their actions often expose their genuine nature LOL

We consider it unwise to engage in harmful actions, even if you think you can escape the repercussions


The Hive Police aka Hivewatchers, are the real heroes of Hive LOL, aren't they?

Feast your eyes on Hive's trending page, what a load of trash

LoL it's the Hivewatchers Hive Police, dishing out orders like a bakery LOL! Folks, do what you want with your Hive power, just as you please. And you, Hivewatchers, downvote away, but remember, judgment day's coming

Harry fam We're just here, laughing at the shenanigans on Hive! Sure, our content's getting downvoted, but hey, it's all part of the game LOL


adm [-]
meesterboom [-]
steemcleaners [-]
jacobtothe [-]
logic [-]
chekohler [-]
b00m [-]
celestegray [-]
citizensmith [-]
sazbird [-]
technicalside [-]
bagpuss [-]
vxn666 [-]
spaminator [-]
meestemboom [-]
ihal0001 [-]
tillmea [-]
meesterleo [-]
meesterbrain [-]
unclefunker [-]
and 1 more


On Hive, there's a user who frequently burns a significant amount of Hive LOL with his own accounts

How To Fool An Entire Population

it's so, so concerning to see Blocktrades delegating 2+ million Hive power to Buildawhale, and Buildawhale is downvoting legitimate content

We began sharing factual information following unwarranted downvotes on Hive it's all in the transactions

Upon examining our posts, you will notice they have been downvoted, and we've been labeled as scammers and spammers, which we find amusing. We consistently share new content

Once again, we ask why is our legit content being downvoted on Hive and what is the reason behind it. Hivewatchers ADM spaminator steemcleaners guiltyparties logic

We have Hive witnesses farming Hive, self-voting, operating comment farms, and self-funding projects with community resources















Posted using Bilpcoin


Delegated: 4,046,288 HP
@buildawhale 2,308,692 HP Sep 29, 2017
@ocdb 1,171,244 HP May 25, 2018
@usainvote 566,245 HP Aug 16, 2020
@blocktrades.spk 106 HP Aug 8, 2022
Received: 54,605 HP
@kriborin 18,559 HP Aug 9, 2017
@kevtorin 18,559 HP Aug 9, 2017
@lessys 17,093 HP Aug 9, 2017
@aprendizinfinito 129 HP Mar 11, 2022
@klinckify 111 HP Apr 19, 2021
@rt-international 109 HP Dec 14, 2023
@augusto2021 11 HP Dec 22, 2021
@spearhead1976 11 HP Nov 20, 2022
@titovieira 10 HP 5 days ago
@realazazel 4 HP Jun 15, 2020
@stunod 4 HP Feb 8, 2022
@pumpkinmimi 2 HP Oct 15, 2021
@logiczombie 1 HP Dec 24, 2021
@africka 1 HP May 12, 2020



https://hive.blog/hive-167922/@bpcvoter2/https-peakd-com-themarkymark-activities-they-are-are-now-trying-to-hide-to-builda-whale-curation-rewards-lol hg


Esas fotos están geniales, muchas selfies que quedaran como huellas en la blockchain del Hive Fest, así se hace, amiga.

Lástima que te perdiste el pago con HBD y Distriatror, es realmente increíble. Ya será en otra oportunidad. Besos y abrazos para ustedes.


Si amiga, lindas fotos para el recuerdo. Fue una experiencia increíble!

Bueno en Cracovia tuve la oportunidad de pagar con HBD y fue genial, aunque esperaba hacerlo aquí también, pero bueno. Un abrazo! Besos a Almita 🤗


¡Sí chama! un gentío hablando español ahí y nosotras sin saber, luego al final de todo, hablando de la vida con @lizanomadsoul me reclamó, con mucha razón, que no le comenté que te costaba un poco el inglés, porque ella también hubiese podido hablar contigo en Español! ya lo sabemos para la próxima, todo fue muy rápido y ajetreado, pero estuviste siempre presente para todos. La súper mami. 👶🍼


Y me hubiese encantado hablar más con Liz, pero yo también supuse que ella hablaba solo inglés. Todo fue rápido es verdad, pero ya sabemos para la próxima. 🤗🤗


Oye, en serio no lo sabía tampoco 😵 La próxima hablamos en español y con mas tiempo 😄😘


Yea, it was amazing time, I'm glad that we gathered there together, you're actually one of my beat friends, we got really cute selfie, Hope to see you in Katowice 🙏🏻💕


I loved our selfie. I'm glad we met there too. I appreciate you guys so much and you are my friends too. Hope to see you then 🤗🤗


Evelyn, you were like the sun, shining at Hivefest with your smile. Miss positive!


Thanks for the great photo about our meeting 💕


What nice words my friend! I hope to see you soon. Thanks to you 🤗


Fue un placer conocerte en Split con toda tu familia.
Espero que tengamos la oportunidad de encontrarnos nuevamente en el próximo HiveFest.

PS: Mira, te dije que una foto donde nos miramos es mucho mejor que posar mirando al fotógrafo. Me encanta nuestro vínculo en este caso.


Ohh, gracias por escribir esto en español. Fue un placer conocerte, espero que mi inglés sea mejor el próximo año y que podamos visitar el Hivefest nuevamente para que podamos hablar más.

Amé nuestra foto. Tenias razón 🤗


Hello evelynchacin!

It's nice to let you know that your article won 🥇 place.
Your post is among the best articles voted 7 days ago by the @hive-lu | King Lucoin Curator by szejq

You and your curator receive 0.0149 Lu (Lucoin) investment token and a 12.48% share of the reward from Daily Report 425. Additionally, you can also receive a unique LUGOLD token for taking 1st place. All you need to do is reblog this report of the day with your winnings.


Invest in the Lu token (Lucoin) and get paid. With 50 Lu in your wallet, you also become the curator of the @hive-lu which follows your upvote.
Buy Lu on the Hive-Engine exchange | World of Lu created by @szejq

If you no longer want to receive notifications, reply to this comment with the word STOP or to resume write a word START
