HIVE OPEN MIC week 174 Beacon of light. La eterna luz (cover) by @eudarcabello [ESP/ENG]
HIVE OPEN MIC week 174 Beacon of light. La eterna luz (cover) by @eudarcabello [ESP/ENG]

Para esta semana tuve una valiosísima ayuda de la amiga que aparece en mi portada, ni se como hizo, capaz uso la app que tenía antes para descargar pistas, tampoco le pregunté, me la descargó y me animé a participar para esta semana. Siento que de adivinar que la temática para esta nueva semana, guardaba la que hice la pasada, pero supongo todo pasa por algo y me encantó terminar haciendo esta canción para esta semana.
For this week I had an invaluable help from the friend that appears on my cover, I don't even know how she did it, maybe she used the app she had before to download clues, I didn't ask her either, she downloaded it for me and I was encouraged to participate for this week. I feel that if I guessed the theme for this new week, I would have kept the one I did last week, but I guess everything happens for a reason and I was happy to end up doing this song for this week.
Hola gente linda de la comunidad de HIVE OPEN MIC por acá @eudarcabello y esta vez para participar en las semana 174 que se titula Beacon of light. Esta canción sirve de segundo opening del anime Shaman king y canatada por la cantante Gabriela Vega, despues de la canción que hice la semana pasada no se me ocurría otra canción para esta temática, yo quise hacerle caso a mi cabeza que no sacaba esta cancion para esta semana, se trata de "La eterna luz" que es la versión latina de Northern Lights. Por un buen tiempo este era mi animé favorito y disfurtaba mucho el escuchar y cantar esta canción, debería volver a clases de canto, igual siempre intentandolo hacer lo mejor posible y si revivi al niño que disfrutaba mucho hacer esta canción.
Hello beautiful people of the HIVE OPEN MIC community here @eudarcabello and this time to participate in the 174th week which is titled Beacon of light. This song serves as the second opening of the anime Shaman King and sung by singer Gabriela Vega, after the song I did last week I could not think of another song for this theme, I wanted to listen to my head that did not get this song for this week, it is "La eterna luz" Which is the Latin version of Northern Lights. For a long time this was my favorite anime and I really enjoyed listening and singing this song, I should go back to singing lessons, I always try to do my best and if I revived the child who enjoyed a lot to make this song.

La de mi foto de portada se trata de mi mejor amiga y colega bióloga, pasamos la misma odisea con nuestro trabajo de grado y tuvimos la misma asesora, terminé presentando trabajo de grado y gradué unos meses antes que ella, pero de verdad me sentí completamente feliz fué cuando ella tambien lo logró. Ambos eramos y capaz ella lo siga siendo mas que yo fan del animé, es muy Otaku, yo ya no tanto. Tuvimos una semana sin vernos y eso que mi trabajo queda cerca de donde ella se residencia, así que fué raro y el reencuentro fué genial, compartimos rica comida y nos pusimos al día, la cereza del pastel es que me diera esta pista.
The one in my cover photo is about my best friend and biologist colleague, we went through the same odyssey with our degree work and we had the same advisor, I ended up presenting my degree work and graduated a few months before her, but I was really happy when she did it too. We both were and maybe she is still more of an anime fan than me, she is very Otaku, I am not so much anymore. We had a week without seeing each other and my work is close to where she lives, so it was weird and the reunion was great, we shared delicious food and caught up, the icing on the cake is that she gave me this clue.
Estaba super enganchado a un canal llamado Fox kids y pasaban muy buenos animés, la competencia tambien era muy buena con otros buenos animés, pero este era mi favorito por micho tiempo, hasta que terminó y luego Naruto estaba enganchando a todo el mundo, lo logró tambien conmigo. Ahora salió una nueva versión 2021, la verdad no tengo ni idea, no la vi, fué en ese periodo de odisea de trabajo de grado y si bueno alli acabó el seguir algun contenido otaku, si extraño esa época, pero quiero pensar que parte de crecer es dejar esas cosas atras, igual no quiero como negar ese lado mío, pero por ahora no creo tener tiempo, capaz ya tendré chance de volver o no, de no ser así, disfruté mucho mientras duró.

I was super hooked to a channel called Fox kids and they were showing very good anime, the competition was also very good with other good anime, but this was my favorite for a long time, until it ended and then Naruto was hooking everyone, it did it with me too. Now a new version 2021 came out, the truth is I have no idea, I didn't watch it, it was in that period of odyssey of degree work and yes well there I finished following some otaku content, yes I miss that time, but I want to think that part of growing up is to leave those things behind, I don't want to deny that side of me, but for now I don't think I have time, maybe I will have the chance to come back or not, if not, I enjoyed it a lot while it lasted.
Me encantó poder traer esta canción que me parece perfecta para la temática. Estoy agradecidísimo por esta buena racha que ahora estoy viviendo y que continúe por mucho tiempo, tambien todas las cosas buenas que me han pasado y las malas que me he librado, por tu visita y el apoyo, estás invitado a seguir mis nuevos post. Muchos éxitos con tu contenido y nos vemos la próxima semana.
I was delighted to be able to bring this song that seems perfect for the theme. I'm very grateful for this good streak that I'm living now and may it continue for a long time, also for all the good things that have happened to me and the bad things that I've gotten rid of, for your visit and support, you are invited to follow my new posts. Many successes with your content and see you next week.

▶️ 3Speak
Hello there
This is really lovely
Nice work
Thanks so much princess
Bueno, es una buena canción de anime. Con una versión en español. Muy guay por tu parte compañero.
Gracias por el apoyo
So perfect. It looks as if you were rapping and I love how fast you were singing it. Kudos to you 👏
Thanks so much pretty
You are welcome 😊
This is amazing and wonderful
I enjoyed your presentation
Thanks so much :)
You're welcome
Muy bien amigo. Yo creciendo es evidente.. felicidades
Hola Eu... :)
Primera vez que escucho esta canción y la letra esta genial. Exitos
Gracias por el apoyo cariño
Amigo @eudarcabello buena entrada nos trae está semana, la canción acordé con la temática. Bendiciones para tí amigo🙏🤗🔥😊🎧🎤💚❤️💕
Gracias por tu constante apoyo