Good & Bad (Week 218)


Good time/bad time...Tell us about a time you have experienced both of these things explaining the situation and why each was good or bad.

Good times

When I read this question, the first thing that came to my mind was the parties I used to go to with my girlfriends in college. We did a lot of crazy things during that time, and after realizing the things I had done, I felt bad. I would say I would never do them again, but then I would do them again because, at parties, you usually get out of control and don't care about anything but the moment. Well, at that time I sometimes saw my personality badly, but now that I remember those days I say to myself: Well done! You enjoyed the first part of your youth in a big way, which will never happen again in this life 😆. We were all happy, there was music, guys were buying us beers and usually the energy of people at parties is good and contagious. I remember dancing a lot and with any guy who wanted to dance with me; I wasn't prejudiced like other girls who didn't like to dance with certain guys. There were many parties and, therefore, many super good moments, where all of us classmates from the university classroom would meet at night. There was laughter, shouts of joy and hugs. At the end, the boys in the homeroom would escort the girls back to the student fellowship, and we would all go back together (unless any of us had found some better halves at the parties 😆).

Bad times

Bad times are a drag, but they do exist. Right now I'm thinking about all the hardships I had to go through in college because of a teacher named, coincidentally, Rebecca. That Rebeca, we students used to call her Hitler. I don't remember how many ways I imagined in my mind to get back at that woman for all of us. I think everybody wanted to get back at her. Turns out that woman did her tests with open books and notebooks and flunked half the class. Those who passed had the same results as those who failed, so no one understood anything. Do you know how she graded? 😠 Well, she chose at random, threw the tests on the table at home and those who fell on the floor, which were half of them, simply failed. We found out about this from a freshman who was a neighbor of hers and a friend of her son, who also calls his own mom Hitler. The whole university wanted to see this woman out of class, but it turns out she is a doctor of science with great influence in the Italian scientific community and in I don't know what other country. So she's untouchable, she does whatever she wants. In fact, she continues to do it. Every time I think about her and everything she put us through as students, it makes me want to do something.

Good music/Bad music...Explain what each sounds like to you, how you define good and bad music, and give examples. Use your own photos.

Good music

For me, good music is music that makes me feel something special. There are voices that make my skin crawl, like Rihanna, Beyoncé and many more. A good song can be accompanied by lyrics that touch my heart or have a rhythm that makes me want to dance. For example, I really like dance songs because they lift my mood, but there is a song by Adele, "Hello", that every time I hear it makes me remember someone and I just want to sing the song at the top of my lungs😬. Stuff happens 😁. Good music is like a delicious tuna lasagna 😆. I say this because I love lasagna.

Bad music

Bad music is everywhere, and it's taking over the world with repetitive melodies and meaningless lyrics. I'm sad to say this, but Cuban reguetoneros are poop; they have more explicit music than Bad Bunny, and that's saying too much.

Life is full of good and bad moments, as well as good and bad music. The important thing is to enjoy the good vibes and cover your ears when someone plays bad music 😁.

All photos are my property
