Given that many of their rules were in contrast with my ideology, it was difficult for me to cope with them, but I just had to manage. It was either them or non. They have got amazing musician and an entirely different style of music, I cannot deny myself of the knowledge I would get from being with them. In all though, it was difficult, so difficult that I had to listen to consistent preaching on the need to abstain from listening to worldly music. By worldly music, I mean circular music.
Enough about the over religious band, let me take you back to my childhood in a bit. As a growing child, my mom was a bit over religious. That affected the kind of song she fancied as well the kind of song we must listen to. My childhood though was not as I would have wanted it to be, but I guess she was just trying to protect her children the best was she knew. She is no different from the extremely religious Church band, they were just trying to protect their members the best way they knew. But then, I think that is never the best way to go about things.
Gospel music is good, and praising the name of the Lord with good music is absolutely amazing, but then, one needs to strike a balance. Determining whether a music is good or bad should not be done with regards to whether the music is a church music or not. That is certainly not a balanced way or looking at things, and that is what I am after. As a music lover, I love listening to different genres and styles of music, each of these genres are important to me in their own way. Waking up every morning, I prefer to listen to cool Christian worship, but as my day continueS, my mood would certain demand that I play songs from other genre, and that is just me.
Aside music, I am of the opinion that too much of anything can become really harmful. By implication, religion can become really harmful if it is being practiced to the extreme. It is on that basis that I disagree with the condemnation of music that are not religious music for no other reason than the fact that they do not have religious lyrics. Don't get me wrong here, I do imply that all must be involved with circular music as much as they are involved with religious (or christian) music. As a matter of fact, there is nothing wrong with preferring either Christian or Circular music over other styles of music, but just like I stated earlier, one must learn to strike a balance. It is only by striking a balance that we will learn to accept things for what they truly are, it only by striking a balance that a religious person get to see goodness in things that are not religious. I remain your @ernesto6402, and this is my humble opinion.
That's me!
I love good music regardless of its spiritual/religious/beliefs attachment.
I have a lot of people that frown at the kind of songs I play as Christian but I no send anyone
You will na hear things like, if you open his phone now is only worldly music that is inside 😀. Most times all we need to do is to just pay deaf ears, you can never convince a person who feels like he/she is absolutely right
Music is not just about religion or just a phase because it's a multi facet thing. It's not good to just be focused on one style of music because music itself is very wide. When this is done, we would be able to understand everyone around us irrespective of their type of music. Good one here friend.
I absolutely agree with you my friend, the music world is really really broad.
Thank you so much for the lovely comment
Yeah, it is. You are welcome friend.