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Hello my amazing people of God. I am @ernesto640 and I am happy to be a part of this week's praise and worship musical event. In a special way I appreciate for constantly keeping up with this amazing initiative, it is indeed a great work of elevangelism. This week's theme is quite unique, it treats a topic that reminds us Christians that prayers and spirituality is not all that is needed of us, that for me is simply amazing. On that note, I appriciate @riaz1122 for coming up with such an amazing topic for the week.

Hola mi maravilloso pueblo de Dios. Soy @ernesto640 y estoy feliz de ser parte del evento musical de alabanza y adoración de esta semana. De manera especial agradezco a estar constantemente al día con esta increíble iniciativa, en verdad es una gran obra de televangelismo. El tema de esta semana es bastante único, trata un tema que nos recuerda a los cristianos que las oraciones y la espiritualidad no es todo lo que necesitamos de nosotros, eso para mí es simplemente asombroso. En ese sentido, agradezco a @riaz1122 por proponer un tema tan sorprendente para la semana.


In response to the the theme of the week being ambition, I will be doing an original song titled "lord we drop it at your feet". I have always believed that what God does not approve will never come to being, and so it's better to drop every of our plans and ambitions at his fee. Performing this unique and amazing song this week, I lay down everything at his feet. My worries, my fears, my unknowns, my feature, my plans and ambitions, I simply believe he can do it all.

En respuesta a que el tema de la semana es la ambición, haré una canción original titulada "Lord we drop it at your feet". Siempre he creído que lo que Dios no aprueba nunca se realizará, por lo que es mejor abandonar todos nuestros planes y ambiciones a su costa. Al interpretar esta canción única y sorprendente, dejo todo a sus pies. Mis preocupaciones, mis miedos, mis incógnitas, mis características, mis planes y ambiciones, simplemente creo que él puede con todo.

The song I will be performing for this week's praise and worship is completely a freestyle since I composed it right at the spot. It might not turn out perfect but that is me trying out myself and my capabilities. At first I was completely blank while sitting on the keyboard, the entirely composition was just what came to mind after sitting for a while and playing around with my keys.

La canción que interpretaré para la alabanza y adoración de esta semana es completamente de estilo libre ya que la compuse justo en el lugar. Puede que no resulte perfecto, pero soy yo probándome a mí mismo y mis capacidades. Al principio estaba completamente en blanco mientras estaba sentado en el teclado, la composición completa fue justo lo que me vino a la mente después de sentarme por un rato y jugar con mis teclas.

Original Lyrics/Letras originales

We drop it at your feet
Because we know you can do it all
Father we drop it at you can do it
Because we know you can do it all

Our worries we drop it
Our problem we drop it
Because we know you can do it all

We drop it at you feet
Because we know you can do it all
Our problem we drop it
Our worries we drop it
Because we know you can do it all

When the enemy thought that we cannot go any further
Oh Lord, you shielded us
When the enemy thought that cannot do it any more
You were right by our side, to guide us through

We drop it at you feet
Because we know you can do it all
Our problem we drop it
Our worries we drop it
Because we know you can do it all

Rabboni we trust you
Rabboni we believe
And yes we know, you are good enough

Rabboni we trust you
Rabboni we believe
Because we know you can handle it all

And so we drop it at you feet
Because we know you can do it all

Oh Oh Oh Oh
Oh Oh

Thank you lord
Because we believe you've done it already
Because we believe you have settled it all

Thank you Rabboni
Becasue we believe
That you taken care of everything that bothers our mind

Oh we drop it at you feet
Because we know you can do it all
Our problem we drop it
Our worries we drop it
Because we know you can do it all

Thank you Lord!

Thank you so much for stopping by. Please note that the lyrics above are originally mine

Muchas gracias por pasar por aquí. Tenga en cuenta que las letras anteriores son originalmente mías

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Senior man
This is beautiful baba
U for reduce d piano volume small to make it much perfect so sat d voice go project d more
However, na good presentation baba


Thank you so much my boss
Is true bro, the keyboard sound really overshadowed my voice. I will make sure I work on it next time
