U2- A Classic Conscious Rock Band and My Risingstar Report 5/1/2024 🎸✨🌠

Video Credit- U2- In the Name of Love (Pride), U2 YouTube Channel

The band U2 is a classic conscious rock band from the 1980s that has maintained relevance for decades now. This Irish band has produced music for over four decades and has worked to raise awareness and funds for social causes in a powerful way. I am a huge fan of the game, and still listen to 1980's Boy for it's powerful and unique Rock sound.

Bono is the famous and outspoken frontman. The band is an alternative Rock band with wailing guitars and the noticable vocals of Bono. The Edge, their guitarist is incredible and has a unique and active style that is recognizable as well. Many of U2's hits came about in the early 1980s and mid-1990s with Boy and Achtung Baby being the most notable. The band has sold more records than most rock bands and has entered into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame as well.

U2 has a number of extremely recognizable hit songs. The group released "With or Without You", "It's a Beautiful Day", "Pride", and has provided music for many soundtracks of movies made in the 1990s. The band still tours and continues to refine their style. Recently, the band has produced simplified versions of their hits, and the focus has been re-releases of their Achtung Baby album released in 1991. If you want to be inspired and have your conscious fix of Rock and Roll, look no further than U2.

My Risingstar Report 5/1/2024:

I have been enjoying the Risingstar game and am keeping on top of the claiming cadence I set up with alarms on my phone. The game has been on my list of great Hive blockchain play to earn games for over a year now, and it's a great addition to the current games offered.

My strategy of investing into record fferedstaking and NFT cards has helped.my in-game income increase monthly. It's more noticeable now, and I am glad I have been investing into the game. Risingstar has a passive and active income strategy that is profitable and can increase your in-game experience.

Have a great evening, and rock on 🎸✨


Video Credit- U2- In the Name of Love (Pride), U2 YouTube Channel

  1. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/U2
