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Affairs of love and conduct of relationships has always been a great puzzle to me, not as if I don't know the meaning of it. It quite strange how we form meaningful entanglement with people who were ones strangers to us, having passionate and genuine affection can be something rare and unexpected at times, the thought of we were just friends and then the affection grows till both parties become inseparable. What do people call such people these days? a person you are willing to give up your world for, a person that makes you feel alive no matter how sad you feel, a person whose image you search for amidst the crowd, a person whose mistakes and errors you turn blind eyes to. I mean that one person that makes feel time stopped whenever you spend time with them, The perfect one, the most incomparable.

I have always wondered, how does this people come to be? What is it about them that differentiate them for thousands of people we have met? What exactly is the reason behind the sudden need for us to provide for their needs? they say, when it comes to matters of love and affection, the most ridiculous notion becomes meaningful.

A friend of mine recently got engaged though I wasn't around to attend the union, I have been friends with this friend of mine for ages. We attended the same school when we were kids, there are a lot of things known to me about this friend of mine that is not known to the rest of the world. As a kid I was a loner, I preferred my company rather than being a part of any form of social gathering. As a result of this personality of mine, I became pariah. I thought I was the only one till this friend of mine joined our school, from his personality he seems we had a lot in common. As weird as it might sound, we both became friends till today.

We didn't attend the same higher institution together but one thing about this friend of mine is that he is not a fan of relationships, probably because he considered it to be insignificant but as time goes on this friend of mine met a lady in school and that was it. They became inseparable, I couldn't quite understand how they found each other or how they were able to stayed glued to each other because they have different kind of personality. Slowly and steadily this friend mine began to change, they say change is constant, never knew it was applicable to him. I mean for someone that loathes social gatherings so much, seeing him attend social gatherings was unexpected. If I'm considered an introvert, this friend of mine is on a different level, he is extremely introverted.

Couldn't understand the reason behind the sudden change in him, we have been together for years and I have never seen him act out of character for once. I kept questioning him about his sudden change of character because I was worried. He didn't say anything at first probably because he felt I might make jest of him, I mean he has always been the first to condemn those in relationship. So imagine such a person having to explain the reason behind his sudden change to be love, it will definitely sound strange but I wasn't ready to give up till he spits out every detail of it.

As he explains the reasons behind his new found character in the most awkward way, he kept smiling like he won a lottery. It has been so long have seen him genuinely happy. Life is chaotic for everyone, being able to enjoy genuine happiness is such a rare feeling. I couldn't help but feel happy for him because I knew that the lady must definitely be amazing to be able to have that kind of influence on him. He must have met his own "Perfect one". Which is kind of difficult for me to understand at first, I have always thought the perfect one has to possess some kind of distinctive character or look extraordinary but I was wrong.

It has nothing to do with beauty or skills, The perfect one is different for everyone in every way that matters. It could be someone with an amazing smile that makes your day feels special, it might be someone you always feel vulnerable anytime you are around or someone who makes you feel elevated and different whenever they are around. What describes your perfect one could be anything entirely, the person might be filled with faults or blemishes but to you he/she is perfect, it is an unexplainable feeling. An enchanting one I must say.

But then as beautiful as it might sound to be able to cross path with one's perfect one in a life time, it could be quite disheartening to know that many pass by such opportunity before they could form meaningful attachment with their perfect one. Not because they are blind or anything but because they couldn't bring themselves to acknowledge their feelings.

I Find myself thinking about matters such as this as a result of an encounter with a movie I Watched recently. I have been aware of it for quite sometime but couldn't find time to watch the movie till few days ago. A movie titled Trolls World tour indeed it is a fascinating movie but there is more. I found one specific sound track that I have formed an attachment with, probably the song is my perfect one.... lol. Just like you might have imagined the song is titled Perfect one by Justin Timberlake

Perfect one by Justin Timberlake

The song is original motion picture soundtrack for the movie Troll world tour That was released in March 2020

The song described the feeling of a helplessness of a lover who found himself in a situation that feels like the world keeps getting in his way of forming meaning attachment with his perfect one. Which is kind of ironical. Like I said earlier, it is one thing to be privileged to be opportune to meet one's perfect one in a life time, it is another to have the foresight to recognise such person when the opportunity arrives but what if the situation was different. This song described a person who was privileged to meet his perfect one, acknowledged his feelings for the person but his object of desire doesn't seem to be capable of reciprocating his feelings at the moment.

Doesn't it sound like torture? to have such genuine feelings for a person and not be accepted. The bitter truth is not everyone will be lucky enough to form a meaningful attachment with their perfect one, the affection might be formed but that is all there will ever be till it becomes history. It does sounds unfair but then in such situations such people have no choice but to be satisfied with the ability to feel such genuine love for an amazing person in their life time, while does who are lucky to have their perfect one should not take what they are privileged to have for granted.

This write-up was inspired by Perfect one by Justin Timberlake.

Cover image - 𝖣𝖾𝗌𝗂𝗀𝗇𝖾𝖽 𝗎𝗌𝗂𝗇𝗀 𝖼𝖺𝗇𝗏𝖺
Image 1 - Source
Image 2 - Source



Anytime I see a guy trying to woo a lady I do think what's special about her that makes the guy run after her after there are a lot of ladies out there then why her? I think your friend saw something special or unique about the lady that's why he started changing for her or so.


Yeah that is true, in life we are bound to meet some special kind of people who will have a lot of influence on us.


You know this thing they say about cupid, when it hits, you loose yourself to it. Matters of the heart isn't usually easy to understand. Just like you said, not everyone has that luck to find a perfect one.


Exactly, love has a way of making a person do ridiculous things despite being sensible 😅


I enjoyed reading this.
This love of a thing and finding one's partner is somehow a big task. It is😎.

Been wishing yo launch into that realm of peak happiness with the perfect one🤲
