Mi Top 3 del Hive Music Festival! | Semana N°118 | [ESP | ENG]

Personally, I am proud of all that we have achieved as a community and as a team. I am grateful to all the musicians who make possible all the show that week after week they give us. We only provide the lights and the space and you are the true stars and pillars of this Hive Music Festival. I want to congratulate all the musicians who have presented their talent on the stage of this festival, which is undoubtedly becoming an important part of Hive. Of course, the work continues because our commitment is even greater every day.
The artists shone even more than usual wanting to offer an unparalleled show and no one said it would be an easy task to choose among so many talents only three to mention in this top that each week we present each of the judges of this festival. Undoubtedly the number of artists that keep the stage of the Hive Music Festival have been at the height of what this festival seeks ¨ An event that seeks to highlight the best musical talent within Hive¨ This is one of the fundamental bases of this festival. On the other hand, we seek to rescue that support between artists. That support, which without realizing it was being diluted, but that, with work, has been recovering.

Both myself and the team thank you for joining us in bringing music to every corner of Hive. Art that unites us regardless of race, creed or language. Music is, without a doubt, the appropriate spice in our lives. So let's start with my selection of the week N°118- Round 1. No doubt that each of the artists of this festival have shined like the stars that they are, so let's begin!

HIVE MUSIC FESTIVAL - WEEK 118 - ROUND 1 - E MALAMA - HAWAIIAN CHANT - by @funkosmica @funkosmica
Music has taught us that it can undoubtedly be a great antidote for the soul and here is a sample of it. @funkosmica presents us with an extraordinary experience that takes us on a journey of sensations through his entire musical production. The work that this artist has done is undoubtedly extraordinary because it is not necessary to have some lyrics to listen to when the feeling is expressed through music. You are a star who knows how to shine in all aspects. We are happy that you are still on the HMF stage and continue to connect with each and every one of your fans. I want you to continue, to never be separated from what you love. I congratulate you and stand up and applaud furiously.

Hive Music Festival Week 118 (round 1) NUBES NEGRAS ( LOS DE ADENTRO) by @oswaldotorres @oswaldotorres
Listening to him is a spectacle. Once again he presents us with a musical work full of melisma that invites us to fly between each note. His voice is well educated and well placed. You have lit the candles and each of the presenters raise their hands and follow your song. We are immensely happy that you are still on the HMF stage and still connecting with each and every one of your fans. I hope your presence will be more often on this stage. I want you to continue, to never separate yourself from what you love. I congratulate you and stand up and applaud furiously.

Hive Music Festival Week 118- Round 1—MAGNOLIA acoustic cover @emmaba1
The sound you emit with such a precious instrument is exceptional. Your control is incredible and the feeling you give us with your interpretation is even greater. You make me remember those instrumental classics that my mother used to listen to when I was younger. You are amazing and I'm glad you are still part of this stage which you can confidently feel at home. My friend, may this 2025 be a year of many blessings for you, may God continue to fill you with patience and virtue so that you continue to give beautiful melodies. A mountain of applause for you. And never forget that you are incredibly magnificent.

I would like to end by thanking once again all the artists who make this great event possible and the sponsors who have joined this great Hive Music Festival:
Aliento (@eddiespino)
@appreciator (@bluemist)
Y @music-community
To all of you, a thousand thanks for the support and trust that continues to be offered to the festival and to me. It is an honour for me to continue creating spaces where the musicians are the main stars. Thank you very much...

Quisiera antes de despedirme citar unas palabras del maestro @yisusth las cuales considero importante resaltar.
Before saying goodbye, I would like to quote some words from the master @yisusth which I consider important to highlight.
¨Por ultimo, quiero recordarles que cada comentario es un aplauso. Es increible el impacto que tiene unas plabras de elogio, y bondad. No dejen de hacer comentario de valor, que animen a otros participantes. Todo lo que damos se nos devuelve, es una ley de la vida. Recogemos lo que cosechamos. Así que ningún esfuerzo se desperdicía.¨
¨Finally, I want to remind you that each comment is a round of applause. The impact that a few words of praise and kindness have is incredible. Do not stop making valuable comments that encourage other participants. Everything we give is returned to us, it is a law of life. We reap what we reap. So no effort was wasted.¨

A bordo de la nave
me despido, mi querida familia.
Before saying goodbye, I would like to quote some words from the master @yisusth which I consider important to highlight.
¨Por ultimo, quiero recordarles que cada comentario es un aplauso. Es increible el impacto que tiene unas plabras de elogio, y bondad. No dejen de hacer comentario de valor, que animen a otros participantes. Todo lo que damos se nos devuelve, es una ley de la vida. Recogemos lo que cosechamos. Así que ningún esfuerzo se desperdicía.¨
¨Finally, I want to remind you that each comment is a round of applause. The impact that a few words of praise and kindness have is incredible. Do not stop making valuable comments that encourage other participants. Everything we give is returned to us, it is a law of life. We reap what we reap. So no effort was wasted.¨

me despido, mi querida familia.

I must say confessing to you all in this community. To all team members that I'm super grateful for thus honor of mentioned. I couldn't imagine being singled out among others as top 3. Hmmm.. that I didn't see coming.
However, all of you are incredible from 1st to the last of a person working here.
Specifically @edwardstobia your such an amazing personality. God-given soul, gilled with encouraging words. You areostly made well.
I'm moved when you said my play got you back in the days with your mother. That's crazy you know. I wouldn't thought I could install back some memories that may have left your scene for a while.
Thank you so much for this honor. Again, God bless you all
Thank you foe your prayers and I say a huge and bigger AMEN🙏 to them.
We see again by the grace of God
Hermano el placer es todo mío y recibo tus palabras con todo el cariño y aprecio del mundo. Agradecido porque como sabes el día a día todos andamos en la búsqueda del pan y de resolver lo inmediato. Esto nos hace pensar de forma menos trascendental, y olvidar muchas veces las cosas que nos hacen felices. Aquí seguimos y honrado de ser bien recibido por acá bro
Vendrán tiempos de luz, alegría y éxitos para todos. Mientras, no olvides seguir llevando tus rimas a cada rincón del mundo 🤘🏼
Ooooouuuuaaahhhh Edward!!!!
No se que decir.... Gracias, gracias, gracias!!!! es un gran honor y tus palabras me dejan asombrada y con un imenso sentimiento de bendición.... Gracias por todo tu tiempo y dedicación en esta comunidad. Nunca me esperaba que me digan algo tan profundo y con tanta corazón. Siento mi corazón llenandose y resbalando hacia el infinito con tus palabras.... Gracias!🐨
Te felicito pues has conseguido realizar un excelente trabajo musical y además un trabajo que llegó a todos con el poder que tú mismas has creado. El honor es todo nuestro. Un fuerte abrazo 🤗
Sin dudas muy buena selección hermano cada día el festival se crece y hay más talento, un abrazo amigo
Así es bro, el escenario se llena y eso nos alegra muchísimo. Sigamos juntos llevando el arte a cada rincón del mundo 🤗
Es increíble como Hive Music Festival le abre más puertas de su escenario para los artistas que acá llegan a hacer sus presentaciones muy buena selección 🎙️🎸🎧
Las luces del escenario siempre estarán encendidas para ustedes los artistas. Son el motor de este increíble festival. Un fuerte abrazo amigo 🤗
I am incredibly magnificent. I may start tearing up soon🥹.
Thank you very much for your kind words and the honor of you curating my post.
A huge thank you to @edwardstobia for the curation and all the supporters @theycallmedan @OCD @aliento @music-community @appreciator and @yisusth for their unyielding support.
I have here to stay on this platform, andi hope to make many great connections here along the way.
A huge congrats to the others artistes who got curated @funkosmica and @oswaldotorres . I have watched your posts and you guys are simply great. Keep doing what you do best.
Gran elección, hermano. Has hecho una elección preciosa. Me encantan las decisiones que has tomado. Muy bien, hermano.