Music: A Universal instrument of peace


Music is a sound, a pattern of sound organized in time. Music is not just sound, it comes with some elements that speak life to people's souls and sink down to produce an effect. Through music is a message delivered, through music are burdens lifted, through music people advocate for peace. There have been so many impacts as of music from time pass see. A great king who was possessed used music as a tool to quiet the demon within him, this only shows how powerful songs and rhythm can be.

In this article, I'll be speaking on music, a universal instrument of peace, music as an inhibitor for a burdened soul, and how music has brought togetherness among us.

Music as an instrument of peace

Peace is defined in different concepts, according to English dictionary, Peace is a state of free oppressive and unpleasant thoughts and emotions. It is also defined as a state of tranquility, quiet, and harmony. One key term for peace is freedom, either from oppressive thoughts or worries. The fact that music speaks into one's soul has given it the ability to interact with our emotions, it doesn't just speak to the body, but also the mind and soul.

There are certain genres of music meant to free one from disturbing thoughts. Soft tones during meditation helps relax the body and free the soul from disturbance, allowing it to find its true self. Some music helps us feel relaxed,and grants us the peace we desire. This has been a tool for harmony for the body, spirit and mind from over the years. Saul, a king , used music as a tool to quiet his demon. While the strings of David played the violin, the disturbing spirits stayed calm.

What makes music universal is its wide effect. It doesn't matter the race, the color, or tribe, it produces one effect.

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Music as an inhibitor

Personally, to lift up my spirit when I'm down I listen to music. It doesn't matter the genre this time, as long as I have music playing, it takes away every troubling thought around me and allows me to forget my worries at the moment. There are several people who use music as an inhibitor for depression and disturbance while others for quietness in order to find a solution to a problem. The easiest way to beat depression with music is to sing along, especially when it's a music of hope and affirmations.

How music had brought unity

Talking about peace among people, music has provided a platform where people share their culture and belief fostering unity among different ethnic groups. Music has made us brothers, sisters, and relatives as people unite in groups to sing songs. Several things have fostered unity among citizens in a country and one of them is music. Now we have collaborations from different groups from different ethnic groups who come together to render songs promoting oneness and peace.

Music is a medicine for the troubled heart.

This is in response to the Afritunes weekly engagement. Everyone is invited to share their opinion

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Yes, you're right bro. Music is a medicine for our heart and has the ability to unite us too


That's true, I believe the impacts has been seen


Music is indeed a platform that encourages peace despite the diversity of nature.

Awesome post 👏


That's true and thank you for stopping by
