Music Monday: Throwaway Days
Hello everyone! It's been a while since I posted any of my music on here. The last album I posted here was "Split" over a year ago. Since then I've put out two albums and an EP! Where does the time go?
This one is "Throwaway Days" and it may very well be my favorite album of mine. I don't always like my own stuff (I'm my own worst critic) but this one feels better than the rest.
Here’s my track by track critique of my own album:
"Doodle Pop"
A fun little jaunt through synth land. Maybe just a tad squeaky in parts.
I'm not sure why, but the sound makes me think of the name. A little bit redundant.
"Flee As a Bird"
My version of a song that saved my life a few years ago. Literally.
Sometimes I think I sing ok.
"Inter The Lude"
What else would you inter? A little palette cleanser.
"The Catholic Dwarves"
Pipe organs. Heavy bass. Gotta be Popish dwarves marching into the mines!
A little gangsta...
"Minty Is That You?"
Thus said the boyfriend of a girl in high school, causing her to burst out hysterically crying in a hormone driven sadness.
Not at all descriptive of the song, though definitely as chill as mint. A julep perhaps?
"The Day After"
Intense. Maybe a bit much after the mint before it. True crime intro perhaps?
"It's Got Handles"
Thus said me upon discovering a light post indeed had handles.... a little inside joke.
Also mellow.
"Kilty Pleasures"
What's under that kilt? A gentleman never tells. The most underwater song of the album with an underwater cover.
"Last Days of Summer"
A peppy day at the beach. An anime theme perhaps?
"Chain Smoking"
All about that bass. And some tenor.
"Fuel Break"
MMM, now that's properly mixed fuel.
"Leaving Lovers"
Definitely a favorite of mine on here. A breakup of sorts, with maybe a little hope at the end.
"Throwaway Days"
The title song, of course. A smooth end to a smooth album. Let the love flow through you.
"Don't Forget Me"
Did I say that was the end? This is the true end. A jewel of a performance. All about a missed opportunity. IYKYK and only two souls do.
Anywho, go check it out! Let me know what you think!
The links are for Spotify but it streams everywhere.
S. D. G.
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