Response post to taskmaster's post.

Original Post:

California is in trouble.

When the fuck is it not?

What happens to the state when southern California loses Hollywood.

Is this a question? I didn't check the link yet. But right away I would say the whole world would be better off without the Holly Wood wielding Druids of ancient Celtic origins, ruining the minds of the people. Purposefully leading humanity astray and misguiding them. There's no, "they can rot in hell" speak here, their life should be made hell for the rest of their life.

Keep them awake for weeks with drugs like they did to the Russian prisoners. Get them off it. Put the asleep. Heal them. Do it again. That's what they get for sacrificing little kids.

Relax it's not a child sacrifice video. It's a rap song by MC MA'AT.

The industry is imploding.

Good riddance! But I doubt it's anywhere near the end.

It is ironic that few seem to understand why.

None can keep a lie to be believed forever. The truth always catches up. None escape their past for long.

We have another article appearing in the Los Angeles Times discussing the matter.


Those fucking paywalls, it why would I want to pay for their fake ass news anyways. Their just as part of the problem. Sycophants news Media working for the the heathens enslaving you all. Their presstitutes for the NWO agenda schemers.

When something hits the mainstream media, you know it is no longer hidden.

... I don't rely on mainstream media to find out what is hidden. I have other greater sources that will never air online.

Example A:

An entire library of shit the Menacing Sycophantic Me|día will never tell you.

Ultimately, technology is going to usurp all of this.


Hollywood is taking on other locations for the production of movies.

Yes, probably because it's getting too dangerous to be there. Since, the cat is out of the bag as they say.

How tv normie viewers look at the world vs how those who don't watch TV and think for themselves:

To start, California is a terrible place to do business. The regulation is absurd, something other companies alluded to on their exit from the state.

I doubt regulations is the least of their concerns.

Hard pills to swallow: Most of your favorite actors and directors are pedophiles

Besides, since they went "woke" It has been all downhill. Making people lose trust in them etc. but hey, they sure showed the movie pirates though. Making movies so bad that it's not even worth going to record it. Great tactic.

Now I know that it was a political move. I also highly suspect they did it on purpose so some other high elite fella can sweep in and buy the stocks up, "change" the Hollywood get again, make a killing.

It's always about the profits. The control and psyops. Etc.

I think I've said enough anyways.


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If you will take the link of the paywall sites to you can see if it is there already, or if you have to, archive it yourself.

Any page you want to see saved should be saved, I've lost a bunch of them over the years by not archiving them.
