The history of music artists; The case of Anne Marie Almedal!



Anne Marie Almedal is a Norwegian musician from the district Vaagsbygd in Kristiansand in Norway. She was vocalist in «Velvet Belly» from 1989 to 2003. She is married from the year 2000 with Nicholas Sillitoe, and they have two children together. Anne Marie Almedal has studied by the Rhythmic music program at Music Conservatory in Kristiansand, and she has had cancer, but she is an upgoing and active human today, and many people love her music and her sense of making sense.

Anne Marie Almedal is born on 6 December 1971, and therefore she is 51 years old today, and she is coming from Kristiansand, located in the southern part of Norway. And Anne Marie Almedal has used the ordinary music platforms that you should use to make an impression and an expression of who you are as a musician, and these are YouTube, YouTube Music, Spotify, Deezer and Apple Music, and we should always think about which marketing channels and distribution channels we should use to be known where we want to be known. And the better images you are given the markets when being alive and active on the planet, the more the people will remember you and love you for what you are, and the music will be loved forever and ever if you are strong brand identity in the market with a strong and new name for the people visiting you, and there should always be large enough target markets, and we should reach the attention and the interest in several countries where we are operating, living and working.

The text from Anne Marie Almedal on the song from her called for «We Dance Alone» is about living in the present time with the people around you just now. And it is also important to dance when you feel the need and the pleasure of doing that. When you are not fresh, and you have not control on things, you can have the overview over things here and now. Today. Perhaps tomorrow. Maybe some days in the future. Maybe for a long time from here! The body is in opposition of different things, and sometimes you love things and perceive them as a part of the freedom, and sometimes you have objections about what to do, and the body is moving itself, just as here and now, and we determine ourselves how the dynamic and stable part of the body should be understood and integrated into the brain and the mind in the life. And Anne Marie Almedal had cancer, but she was fresh, and today she is back in life with new energy and new efforts in the music life, and the music is like a lifestyle in the life. You must like what you are doing to make success, and we should know the programs and the activities that should be done from time to time.

There are several songs that is connected to the famous and good career in music from Anne Marie Almedal, and these are: We Dance Alone, Blue Sky Blue, The False Alarm and Once Upon A Time. And we also find different music videos from Anne Marie Almedal on the internet, and these are: We Dance Alone, Once Upon A Time and Lovesong. And although Anne Marie Almedal is known, and she has a name in music with concerts and CD discs, she got the breast cancer, and the hospital insisted her to come to try to do something about it, and this was a right and lucky decision to do in her life.

There is nothing wrong with the perception to Anne Marie Almedal, and she has a good and reflected mind set about what music will sell and what she should do to develop herself, and for giving even more quality and quantity of the music that she is making to the markets, and maybe the markets sometimes are closed, maybe they sometimes are domesticated, and maybe they sometimes are open for anybody. And in the beginning, there were markets, and therefore we should understand the markets, and what is happening there from time to time, and we should be friendly and thinking and feeling and acting in the life, and we should try to find the solutions for many things and also open the markets in national and in international environments around the blue planet, and perhaps we also must confront culture shocks in the markets in different countries.

And again some music as it was asked to be included! 😃

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Sverre Larsen

Kristiansand, Norway

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