I am an ardent lover of movies and music. I cannot do my chores without listening to music. I watch movies as a form of relaxation.

If I had to cast a vote to decide between saving a movie or music production, it's going to be a difficult decision to make since I am a lover of both; however, I would rather save music production.



What would the world be like without music? I would not want to imagine a world without music, let alone live in that world. Music, they say, is a pleasant noise to the ears. It has been embedded in us and has become a part of us. We all get attracted to the sound of music.
Music is a fundamental part of how humans express their feelings and emotions. It blends with moments and occasions; there are different genres of music for different moods and occasions, like in times of meditation or solace. It has also brought people from different parts of the world together.

While movies are also an important art form, music has a unique way of breaking language and cultural barriers; it has brought healing to the world and has also drawn people from other parts of the world to know about the existence of others. Different cultures can easily be identified, as each culture has a specific musical genre that is most often specific to them alone, making it a universal means of expressing emotions and the arts.



Music has played and is still playing an important role in society and in the well-being of humans. It is not only entertaining, but research has shown that it has therapeutic effects. People listen to music as a form of therapy, and individuals who are depressed or anxious are most often advised to listen to music as it will help them feel better and more relaxed. It is also capable of reducing stress and pain, and music is known to enhance cognitive abilities, especially when used in an academic setting.

Movies are also a valuable and beautiful form of art, but when linked to the financial and economic growth of a society, it is easier to create more job opportunities with music since a wider range of individuals can be used in the production process to spice it up, and less financial resources are usually needed to produce good music, unlike in movie production, where a specific range of individuals who are good actors are required, and it is often less accessible and more expensive in terms of production.

Music has also been incorporated into other forms of social development all over the world, especially in sports. In developed societies, music forms major parts of sports, such as during the finals of American football half-time shows, national basketball shows, and the Eurovision world competition.

My choice of saving music production over movie production is based on how music breaks barriers and connects us to each other throughout the world, and it is easily accessible to everyone. It does not only entertain but has also contributed to the economic growth of our society and has also been a form of therapy to heal and uplift one's spirit, especially in moments of difficulty. It is easier to connect with the lyrics of music when we are down compared to watching a movie; movies usually require keen attention, unlike songs that one gets to play and enjoy the melody.

Thank you for coming to my blog🤗


You've done good justice to why you chose music over movies and this is apt. Music really enters into one's marrow. We can feel music in our very beings
