Three Tune Tuesday: Color Him Father!


Image by Dark Nature from Pixabay


So I learned about Three Tune Tuesday last week and I was all, "Oh, there's a lot of music I'd like to share and talk about at this time of year -- summertime is FULL!"

I revere my father, Rev. Sammie Lee Mathews, who did not behave in such a way that my sister and I became typical "preacher's kids," neglected and unloved. In everything he has done in the 42 years I have known him, putting his family first has been the thing, and it still is ... of course he is older now, but still the same.

In the community I grew up in, though, Father's Day is fraught with mixed feelings -- my parents were among the few that were not divorced, and later couples struggled to GET IT TOGETHER, much less keep it together ... so a lot of children grew up not having the deep relationships with their fathers that I had and have. That makes Father's Day a tougher holiday to get ready for...

... except that younger fathers have flourished around my father, so he is an unofficial grandfather to many now, and is looked up to, so, at least where Dad is, things are getting better and easier for the children, and the gaps are being filled across the generations!

Generally speaking, good fathers are not as rare as many think -- but they are often overlooked and taken for granted -- which even makes Father's Day somewhat fraught for some fathers! I work hard to not have my father go through that, and also make sure the good fathers in our circle feel seen -- and these three tunes are often on my mind as I see all these men, doing the darn thing for their families and community!

I remember first hearing this story of a son, recalling all the wonderful things that his father did for him growing up, how everything his father did showed love -- but with a TWIST that makes the story even more special! This tune is also a bop -- I did not know the song as a child, but Dad and and my sister and I would have gladly danced around to this!

Because my father is wise, I recall hearing as a daughter a great deal of good advice like this -- it is more important than ever to WALK EASY in this world, because there is no telling where danger marks our steps, and where we will need all the good seed that we have sown to grow to keep us safe and moving forward!

My earthly father introduced me to my Heavenly Father when I was very young, so I have been a Christian for most of my life, and I have gotten to know my Heavenly Father very well. I know Him, I trust Him, and I know, as the Scripture says, when my earthly father has to leave me, my Heavenly Father will always be with me. Because of this, I have enjoyed many versions of settings of the Lord's (model) Prayer ... but there isn't one like that written by great bass Jerome Hines, in his own opera, "I Am the Way" ... after Mr. Hines's death, the opera fell into obscurity, but somebody rescued this beautiful and unique setting of "The Lord's Prayer."

Just so we know on the legal part .... the linked videos are not owned by me, I am sharing just the link to the copyright owner's video. No copyright infringement is intended.
Used under fair-use section 107 of the Copyright Act 1976.


I'm really stuck on your bio: eater of kiwifruit with the peel? I didn't realise such was a thing!

Jerome Hines' voice... damn!


Yes ... a ripe kiwi is sweet and sour and juicy and textured from skin to seed in that soft, dripping flesh ... I think of it as the peach from Down Under, fitted for a trek through the Outback!

Jerome Hines ... among the greatest American basses of the 20th century ... composer, arranger, teacher, author as well. His interviews with other singers, and about maintaining the voice in mature years, are stunning works ... but the voice ... isn't it JAW-DROPPING? Very, very rarely does anyone here him sing his own works, but he wrote here to sing his best ... and wow...

Thank you for listening! Mr. Hines will likely make a return appearance at some point, because I listen across genres to great music!


My father was a good provider, but he preferred to hang out in the barn with his animals than in the house with us kids. He didn't interact with us a great deal, unless we went outside to wherever he was and hung around. From the little I have heard about his father, I don't think my dad grew up with a good example.


Sadly, that often happens ... sometimes men struggle to connect if their fathers did not connect with them...


Wow, this started off so well with Color Him Father, which I absolutely loved, apart from maybe that little intro dance, which was a bit cringe!! Ha ha, great song though!

Your Dad sounds like a really good guy and has clearly had a great influence on you, which comes through in your words - compassionate, kind, thoughtful, altruistic - these attributes hang from your words, all good vibes and so nice of you to say things like "Generally speaking, good fathers are not as rare as many think -- but they are often overlooked and taken for granted". It's not easy being a modern Dad or a modern Mum, so much to juggle, but it is still the best thing that has ever happened to me, and there is no love like the love you have for your children.

Great songs one and all, great to have you contributing to Three Tune Tuesday.
