Things Ms. Dee Likes, Edition 12, March 24, 2023 [ENG/ESP]


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The Roundup

In this edition we have highlights of Hive's third anniversary -- history, present, updates, and future on tap here! The Hive Newbie Initiative is still going for a week also, so PLEASE spread the word to any new community members that you know -- link in the New Hivers section!

Also this week: Things Ms. Dee Likes is going to syndication on as Ms. Dee's Best of Hive 1-- English only thus far, because no one needs to hear my Spanish until I can get back in practice -- but look for that coming up early next week!

Most posts in this edition are in the payout period still, so if you like what I like, show the content creators some love! If you are using PeakD as your front end, you can also TIP anyone in the "Oldies But Goodies" section, too.

News and Views You Can Use

[//]: #1
Spring has sprung, and with it, we celebrate Hive's third birthday! @crimsonclad reviews just about everything that Hive has done since it came forth, and sets forth all the building blocks being worked on for the future... it's an exciting view!

[//]: #2
Finding it hard to onboard people? It IS a bit of a challenge ... but @pharesim is bringing back a tool to make it much easier -- soon to be interoperable with Hive Keychain, too!

New Hivers -- Welcome Aboard!

[//]: # IMPORTANT Reading for New Hivers
Here is a BIG shortcut to learning about Hive, available for 30 New Hivers to apply to be part of it -- dedicated training about Hive, best practices to do well here, layer 2 token to invest in, THE WORKS -- so apply!

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A gift to her own family ... a crown to her father ... now here on Hive! Everybody go show @demgift some good Hive love!

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The word about Hive has apparently transcended the human limit ... the promise of Hive is being heard of by new lifeforms and civilization ... one brave soul from sentient life among the stars has come to join us ... everybody go show @spaceinsect some good Hive love!


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Art drawn by hand, with a purpose ... this snail by @carolinaes reminds us of the power of art, and also, the cuteness of some results!

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Staying with the cuteness theme ... this is a lovely scene by @chopiliart ... I would be tempted to write the story that would go with this!

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Winter is gone ... or is she simply bridging the hemispheres right now? @trayan's art may make you reconsider...


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We are presented here with the story of a young emperor (dragonfly) ... with a twist! Quite the photo-driven narrative by @papilloncharity!

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As a San Franciscan, living in a city famous for its fog, I truly enjoyed this by @borjan ... what happens when the fog swallows an ancient town alive?

[//]: #3
We are presented here some of the most notable and lovely mushrooms I have ever seen, from @ridor5301!


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A remarkable story about love from @justclickindiva ... between friends, and between bride and groom, in shocking circumstances...

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Another remarkable story about love from a rare perspective ... a fifty-word gem that illuminates a day we all must face, although most of us do not think about it enough to embrace what we would want on that day...


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A journey to a place in which the needs of humans for renewal are not all that is considered ... @laimagenhabla takes us to an up-cycled destination like no other...

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Come with @triplug to a city that time remembers but tourists pretty much forget ... ancient Roman architecture in the middle of Albania!


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A consideration of Hive's third birthday from a business perspective ... while many people in crypto look for short-term gains, @empress-eremmy encourages us to look at the broadness of the impact of Hive in its three years...

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A view into the future of even big business and bigger entities needing to get with the crypto program from @sapphirecrypto...


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@taskmaster4450 considers a use for Hive -- specifically HBD -- to solve a pressing financial issue between Cubans in the United States and back home in Cuba ... and how Hive's true power may lie far beyond the blogging you and I are doing now...

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A wonderful, balanced view of the potential of HBD by @gadrian ... we all know what we want to see happen, but the world is changing rapidly, and most of us on Hive are not QUITE ready for retirement...

Oldies but Goodies (still worth a read, still TIPPABLE on PeakD)

[//]: #1 (and only)
REALLY close to payout, but this is why PeakD lets us tip ... come with @myjob on a unique journey ... a fisherwoman from Florida considers "cave drawings" as a writing prompt, and then considers what life would have been like in Florida for those who lived in the days when the artifacts in the museum she is walking through were ALIVE...

ESPAÑOL (via de Google Translate)

El resumen

En esta edición, tenemos los aspectos más destacados del tercer aniversario de Hive: ¡historia, presente, actualizaciones y futuro disponibles aquí! La iniciativa Hive Newbie todavía está activa durante una semana, así que POR FAVOR corra la voz entre los nuevos miembros de la comunidad que conozca: enlace en la sección New Hivers.

También esta semana: Cosas que le gustan a la Sra. Dee se sindicarán en como Lo mejor de Hive 1 de la Sra. Dee -- Hasta ahora solo en inglés, porque nadie necesita escuchar mi español hasta que pueda volver a practicar -- ¡pero trabajaré en mi presentación en español para el futuro!

La mayoría de las publicaciones en esta edición aún están en el período de pago, así que si te gusta lo que me gusta a mí, ¡muéstrales un poco de amor a los creadores de contenido! Si está utilizando PeakD como su interfaz, también puede TIP cualquier persona en la sección "Lecturas antiguas pero buenas".

Noticias y vistas que puede usar

[//]: #1
¡Ha llegado la primavera y con ella celebramos el tercer cumpleaños de Hive! @crimsonclad revisa casi todo lo que Hive ha hecho desde que apareció, y establece todos los componentes básicos en los que se está trabajando para el futuro... ¡es una vista emocionante!

[//]: #2
¿Le resulta difícil incorporar personas? ES un pequeño desafío... pero @pharesim está trayendo de vuelta una herramienta para hacerlo mucho más fácil, que pronto también será interoperable con Hive Keychain.!

Nuevos Hivers -- ¡Bienvenidos!

[//]: # Lectura IMPORTANTE para nuevos hivers
Aquí hay un GRAN atajo para aprender sobre Hive, disponible por una semana más para que 30 New Hivers soliciten ser parte de él: capacitación dedicada sobre Hive, mejores prácticas para hacerlo bien aquí, token de capa 2 para invertir, así que solicite !

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Un regalo para su propia familia... una corona para su padre... ¡ahora aquí en Hive! ¡Todos vayan a mostrarle a @demgift un buen amor de Hive!

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La noticia sobre Hive aparentemente ha trascendido el límite humano... la promesa de Hive está siendo escuchada por nuevas formas de vida y civilización... un alma valiente de vida inteligente entre las estrellas ha venido a unirse a nosotros... todos vayan a mostrar @ spaceinsect un buen amor de colmena!


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Arte dibujado a mano, con un propósito... este caracol de @carolinaes nos recuerda el poder del arte, y también, la ternura de algunos resultados!

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Siguiendo con el tema de la ternura... esta es una escena encantadora de @chopiliart... ¡Estaría tentado a escribir la historia que iría con esto!

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El invierno se ha ido... ¿o simplemente está uniendo los hemisferios en este momento? El arte de @trayan puede hacerte reconsiderar...


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Aquí se nos presenta la historia de un joven emperador (libélula)... ¡con un giro! ¡Toda la narrativa basada en fotos de @papilloncharity!

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Como san franciscano que vive en una ciudad famosa por su niebla, realmente disfruté esto de @borjan... ¿qué sucede cuando la niebla se traga vivo un pueblo antiguo?

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¡Aquí se presentan algunos de los hongos más notables y hermosos que he visto en mi vida, de @ridor5301!


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Una extraordinaria historia sobre el amor de @justclickindiva... entre amigos y entre novios, en circunstancias impactantes... ¡tanto en inglés como en español!

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Otra historia notable sobre el amor desde una perspectiva rara... una joya de cincuenta palabras que ilumina un día que todos debemos afrontar, aunque la mayoría de nosotros no pensamos en ello lo suficiente como para abrazar lo que querríamos ese día...


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Un viaje a un lugar en el que las necesidades de renovación de los humanos no son todo lo que se considera... @laimagenhabla nos lleva a un destino reciclado como ningún otro...

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Ven con @triplug a una ciudad que el tiempo recuerda pero que los turistas casi olvidan... ¡arquitectura romana antigua en medio de Albania!


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Una consideración del tercer cumpleaños de Hive desde una perspectiva comercial... mientras que muchas personas en criptografía buscan ganancias a corto plazo, @empress-eremmy nos anima a observar la amplitud del impacto de Hive en sus tres años...

[//]: #2
Una visión del futuro de incluso las grandes empresas y las entidades más grandes que necesitan obtener el programa criptográfico de @sapphirecrypto...


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@taskmaster4450 considera un uso de Hive, específicamente HBD, para resolver un problema financiero apremiante entre los cubanos en los Estados Unidos y en Cuba... y cómo el verdadero poder de Hive puede estar mucho más allá de los blogs que usted y yo estamos haciendo ahora. ...

[//]: #2
Una visión maravillosa y equilibrada del potencial de HBD por @gadrian... todos sabemos lo que queremos que suceda, pero el mundo está cambiando rápidamente, y la mayoría de nosotros en Hive no estamos TOTALMENTE listos para la jubilación...

Viejas pero buenas lecturas

[//]: #1 (y solo)

REALMENTE cerca del pago, pero esta es la razón por la que PeakD nos permite dar una propina... ven con @myjob en un viaje único... una pescadora de Florida considera "dibujos rupestres" como un mensaje de escritura, y luego considera cómo habría sido la vida en Florida para aquellos que vivieron en los días en que los artefactos en el museo por el que camina estaban VIVOS...


@omarcitorojas -- Amigo, todos los viernes creo un resumen de publicaciones en Hive y he comenzado a traducir mis resúmenes al español debido al respeto que tengo por el trabajo que están haciendo los miembros de la comunidad latinoamericana para impulsar la adopción de Hive. Muchas cosas sobre el desarrollo de Hive están solo en inglés, por lo tanto, quiero que usted y aquellos con quienes trabaja estén al tanto de estas historias. Recomiendo las secciones de Noticias, Finanzas y Comercio a su atención, junto con lecturas sugeridas en New Hivers especialmente para esta semana.

Por supuesto, estoy usando un traductor para dar cuenta de cuánto español he olvidado a lo largo de los años, y sé que esto es algo que puede valer la pena que su comunidad haga con algunas historias en mi resumen también.


Muchas gracias amiga por tomarse la delicadeza de informar sobre este trabajo que realiza. Ciertamente la comunidad habla hispana, en especial nuestra comunidad @hivesucre lleva a cabo un trabajo enorme para lograr que la adopción de nuestras monedas en el estado sea una realidad, realidad que ya tiene terreno ganado ya que hasta el momento tenemos 21 negocios que ya están aceptando pagos en HBD. Estaremos en contacto y agradecido.


Hello. Thanks so much for highlighting my freewriter's post. I appreciate the exposure and support of my wedding story of love, trust, and learning.

Congratulations to all artists and authors showcased in the 12th edition of Ms. Dee's Likes.

Take care everyone and have a good weekend ahead. Stay safe.



That was one of the finest stories I have ever read here ... the pacing, the turns, the drama ... the love, the humanity ... well done and well worthy of a greater feature ... you will be featured in the syndication of this next week as well!


Thank you for checking on my post. I appreciate your information.


@guiltyparties -- I am reaching out to you long after payout on this post, and I was recommended to you by @kencode as someone who might be able to help me. My posts seem to have become a battlefield in one of Hive's whale wars -- Xeldal votes me up, and then either MarkyMark or Buildawhale and Freeborn-Society DV me, day after day. I presume there is something going on between those whales that is probably not my business, but it saddens me that us small Hivers are so casually made the collateral damage of these wars. Judge the quality of my work here, and also here...

... for yourself. Now, these DVs are costing me no actual money; my support before Xeldal came along remains, so he adds and the rest just take it back ... however, on a reputation basis I now look like someone Spaminator is tagging on the blacklist every day, and this is not fair. I am one of Hive's highest-producing original content creators, period, and as someone with a background of professional journalism, I have NEVER plagiarized, and never will.

Speaking of my background, this is edition 12 of my return to the field of journalism on my own terms, and this is the first post I have converted to a vodcast that bridges the users of Hive and the bloggers of the Fediverse on Cast Garden.

Ms. Dee's Best of Hive, made from this very Edition 12

I am in the process of preparing to build "Crypto that Does (Good) Stuff In the World" newsletter for a more general audience, and of course Hive should be leading that narrative ... but if the narrative here is that faithful users who give back can have their reputations trashed by callous whales who don't care about littler users if they can score their points on other whales, and there is no recourse, I assure you that I and people like me will not in good conscience be able to push Hive as much as we can.

What I want is simple. I appreciate Xeldal's upvote, but if it can only come with a DV campaign from other whales, I would prefer that he not upvote me. I would have appealed to Xeldal, MarkyMark, Buildawhale, and Freeborn Society directly, but the latter three have impressed me with their complete lack of reason in this matter, and the last thing anyone wants is a cycle of retaliation and exposure. I would rather use my skills FOR HIVE, without reservation, than not. On the strength of Ken's recommendation, I therefore appeal to you, a respected witness and worker in the Hive community.

Thank you for your time and consideration ... now that this post is well out of payout and the war has moved to newer posts, I would prefer that we communicate here unless there is a more secure location where I can speak with you.


The downvotes that come after Xeldal's vote are meant to prevent him from gaining curation rewards but I'm not fully sure if they're bots (people run bots on accounts to negate some votes seen as exploitative) that calculate the downvote value based on the upvote value or if they're a downvote trail. You're not on any blacklist or anything like that and the voting patterns aren't anything you did or could have done. I'm not sure how Xeldal curates but I suspect it's either tag or pattern based. I can't guess how his bot works as I don't know him or how he builds things. Probably the easiest way to get out of these bots is to figure out what makes Xeldal upvote and simply avoid doing that. It's likely either a trail trigger or a tag.


Thank you so much for your response ... it is both clarifying and TERRIFYING ... are we really conceding that people are just botting innocent Hivers because of whatever conflicts they have going on? I have been using the same tags on my freewrites for YEARS, so how am I supposed to even know when Xeldal decided what tag to upvote? I am getting upvoted and then downvoted on all types of content... different tags. I'm not a developer or bot creator ... I'm an artist with a strong background in communication.

This is the first time I have had to accept that there is great injustice here on Hive, and that just like in the rest of the world, the little people have to figure it out for themselves at risk to all good things they are doing. Now, I'm not going to flip out over 80 cents of DVs, but I can understand why people do -- we came here for a REFUGE, but if it is just going to be "Figure out what you did RIGHT, and then change it so people DOING WRONG won't bother you," then Hive is no refuge. The disappointment, and even a sense of betrayal, is real. But I am mature enough to know how the world works, and will govern myself accordingly -- thank you for the specific advice. I will experiment with my tags first, and if that fails, ask Xeldal to take me off his trail directly.


we go we need to talk about the Hive Police we need to take away all power from the Hive Police @spaminator, @guiltyparties, @patrice, @hivewatchers, and @hivewatcher. @steemcleaners @adm They're actively destroying Hive and are only here for the money. Don't support their proposals and remove any delegations. Let's show them that we won't stand for their shenanigans and take Hive to the next level!


@guiltyparties -- an update. My posts remain a battlefield, but I've been here long enough to endure that. But things are spiraling out of control -- the New Hivers are being attacked now.

Xeldal voted her up, and you can see what happened next. Now, onboarding is hard enough on Hive -- if whales are going to discourage people on their way in, the whole process of Hive adoption is going to be endangered. We cannot expect people who have been here a few DAYS to know how to handle tags and trails -- THIS IS RIDICULOUS, sir, that they should even have to. Do we want Hive to grow, OR NOT?
