🎧Paradise Lost (The Used Guitar Cover) | Vibes Web3 Music Competition WeeK 6 || @David.Dicotomia🎧
Quería hacerle un cover a esta canción desde hace mucho tiempo y esta era la oportunidad! Es una de mis favoritas desde que salio este super disco de HEARTWORK! Mientras escucho Seen Red De Architects les digo esto: Vean ese videoclip de The Used, como siempre se los dejo abajo a los curiosos que son de mi equipo. Esta lleno de Grunge, tiene melodías hiper pop, y el solo de guitarra es una delicia. Ya en este disco consolidaron el nuevo sonido que exploraron a lo largo de Toxic Positivity, que en mi opinion es como la Digi-evolucion de Heartwork, ya que tenían la experiencia. Aquí hablan de muchas cosas como personalidades megalomaniacas, incapacidad de sentir, como un corte limpio cura de forma hermosa y todo con la poesía de Berth que esta como sacada de otra galaxia. Solo el habla así sobre las cosas. Claro, me es difícil explicar exactamente quizás es porque esta loco y eso lo hace brillante -jajaja-. Por eso los amo. De nuevo, cualquier cosa que diga sobre este Master Piece se queda corta. Como ya dije, esta es una de mis bandas favoritas y esta canción tiene todas y cada una de las cosas que amo de ellos. Si quieren el cover de alguna canción en especifico déjenlo en los comentarios a ver si lo hago en un video futuro! Nos vemos muchachos!
I wanted to cover this song for a long time and this was the opportunity! It's one of my favorites since this super HEARTWORK album came out! While I'm listening to Seen Red by Architects I tell you this: Watch that video clip by The Used, as always I'll leave it below for the curious who are on my team. It's full of grunge, it has hyper pop melodies, and the guitar solo is a delight. Already on this album they consolidated the new sound that they explored throughout Toxic Positivity, which in my opinion is like the Digi-evolution of Heartwork, since they had the experience. Here they talk about many things such as megalomaniac personalities, inability to feel, how a clean cut heals beautifully and all with Berth's poetry that is as if taken from another galaxy. Only he talks like that about things. Of course, it's difficult for me to explain exactly, maybe it's because he's crazy and that makes him brilliant -hahaha-. That's why I love them. Again, anything I say about this Master Piece falls short. Like I said, this is one of my favorite bands and this song has each and every thing I love about them. If you want a cover of a specific song, leave it in the comments and we'll see if I do it in a future video! See you guys!
Quiero agradecer a todos los que se tomaron la molestia de acompañarme a lo largo de este Post.
Se You Next Time
°Editing Sofware:
-Premier Pro CC
-Xiaomi Redmi 8A
-Gopro Hero 2
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Love it David!! I need more of this Pumped up music, gets me goin!!
Thnx for your feedback bro! Btw i just listened to your entry for this week! Amazing as always man!
Thanks brother 🙏
Beautiful one here, I really enjoyed it
thnks @ashiru ! i'm glad! I'll keep e'm coming!
Bro, una vez más has hecho un trabajo increíble. Te felicito por interpretación genial. Como me encanta la grabación que haces, sobre todo la posición de la cámara.
chamo la toma gopro es la vaina mas cool para guitarra jajaja Gracias por tu feedback bro!
Yeah man!! This is amazing! Incredible playing dude, loved seeing you rock out to this one! Such cool edit man, great shots!!:)
I love the gopro shot so much jajajaj so cool you stoped by bro!
Gran vídeo amigo! Esa guitarra sonó genial, con mucha energía!
gracias de pana! eso de la energia, si. aqui dejo todo lo malo jajaja
Underrated entry right here, this was straight fire 🔥 fury inferno, it got me amped up, makes me want to pull out some older tracks where I rapped over rock music for one of these entries one day, thanks for the source of inspiration and your awesome artistry, the gopro shots are legendary as you know and edit with precision
So cool your feedback man. Yes please! i wanna see you working those old song jajajaja