HIVE JAMMING ZONE WEEK 44 || "You Raise me Up" - Piano Melody Pattern in F Major Key by @daniky


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There are often times when we feel at our lowest state - a state of rejection and depression or a state of sadness, when it seems like all hope is lost and there is no way out because there is no help coming from anywhere. When those we have trusted and loved so much ended up abandoning us at the prime of our commitment and high expectations. When someone has to endure the falsehood of taking our position as their own. A state of illness that has grossly turned wealth into riches and wealth into penury. A state where you lost a loved one, someone you loved so much in the cold hands of death, and knowing full well that there is no way to bring them back to life except by God's grace and intervention. This moment calls for one to rise above the circumstances to where we can find the peace, joy, and fulfillment we need to live a fulfilling life.

Hi hiveans, welcome to my page. I'm @daniky and here is my entry to week 44 of Jamming Zone. I will be playing a melodic pattern and a song that inspires my soul, which I know you will like as well. This song is owned by "Westlife" and is titled "You raise you up." This song is also a testament to the fact that 2025 will definitely be your year of upliftment and progress. So be encouraged and never be discouraged by whatever you have encountered in your past. Also, be optimistic that everything will be okay. Please take the time to watch the video and comment.

This song is played in the key of F major, which follows a simple rhythmic melodic pattern. Those who know the song can easily relate. I believe in growth and I really appreciate the Jamming Zone community for creating this platform for us to showcase our drive for growth.

This is my entry for week 44 of Jamming Zone. The room is open for those who wish to participate in this weekly challenge to contribute their part. Thank you for your time and have a great time.

HIVE JAMMING ZONE SEMANA 44 || "You Raise me Up" - Patrón de melodía de piano en clave F mayor de @daniky

A menudo hay momentos en los que nos sentimos en nuestro estado más bajo: un estado de rechazo y depresión o un estado de tristeza, cuando parece que toda esperanza está perdida y no hay salida porque no hay ayuda que venga de ningún lado. Cuando aquellos en quienes hemos confiado y a quienes tanto amamos terminaron abandonándonos en el mejor momento de nuestro compromiso y grandes expectativas. Cuando alguien tiene que soportar la falsedad de tomar nuestra posición como suya. Un estado de enfermedad que ha convertido groseramente la riqueza en riqueza y la riqueza en penuria. Un estado en el que perdiste a un ser querido, alguien a quien amaba tanto en las frías manos de la muerte, y sabiendo perfectamente bien que no hay forma de devolverle la vida excepto por la gracia y la intervención de Dios. Este momento exige que uno se eleve más allá de las circunstancias hasta donde podamos encontrar la paz, la alegría y la satisfacción que necesitamos para vivir una vida plena.

Hola, hiveans, bienvenidos a mi página. Soy @daniky y aquí está mi entrada a la semana 44 de Jamming Zone. Tocaré un patrón melódico y una canción que inspira mi alma, que sé que también les gustará. Esta canción es propiedad de "Westlife" y se titula "You raise you up". Esta canción también es un testimonio del hecho de que 2025 definitivamente será su año de elevación y progreso. Así que anímense y nunca se desanimen por lo que hayan encontrado en su pasado. Además, sean optimistas de que todo estará bien. Tómense el momento de mirar el video y comentar.

Esta canción se toca en la tonalidad F mayor, que sigue un patrón melódico rítmico simple. Aquellos que conocen la canción pueden identificarse fácilmente. Creo en el crecimiento y realmente aprecio a la comunidad de Jamming Zone por crear esta plataforma para que exhibamos nuestro dinamismo para nuestro crecimiento.

Esta es mi entrada a la semana 44 de Jamming Zone. La sala está disponible para aquellos que deseen participar en este desafío semanal para contribuir con su parte. Gracias por tu tiempo y que lo pases genial.

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Yeb that great @daniky your jamming is wonderful i love the way you play the song and the energy put in place sir keep going 👍


Thank you encouragement brother, and I'm glad you like it.


Hermosa interpretaciòn, guao. Èxito y mil bendiciones para ti y para tu talento musical.

Beautiful interpretation, wow. Success and a thousand blessings for you and your musical talent.


Greetings friend, this is surely a beautiful melody and your are very skilled at playing the piano,congratulations! however i must remind you that Jamming Zone is mainly a space for original improvisations made spontaneously, not covers. You can use the rythm of a song already made by another artist to improvise over it, but if you are playing the melody of the original song then it is a cover and not an improvisation, i hope that is clear enough, we are glad to have your talent here brother, thanks for joining Jamming Zone week 44!


It's noted friend. Thanks for light you shed. I'll get to do just as you'd stated. Have an amazing moment @juliopalomo
