

Ah yes, poor me getting a bit tired. But if I want even a fighting chance at achieving anything in life, ever, in any realm at all I can't just work pretty hard, or very hard. I've gotta go EXTRA hard. Ain't no time or options ya know.

Just keeping my head down and going. Can't let a second be wasted. I do have to sleep eventually, but I have to push it a little ya know, I am still young I can handle it.

I wish I was warned just how stressful life can be. It's pretty ridiculous.

But hey, it's raining and I'm in a shelter. That's something to be grateful for. It also keeps some creative juices flowing a bit.

My son can't have a failure of a dad. Just can't.

I don't have to believe what others believe, I don't care how daunting what I'm trying to do is. I have my vision and I want to complete it BAD.

