Songs of a Lost World, The Cure [ENG-PT]


(Cover of the single “Alone”. In,

Man does not live by photography alone. Music is the inspiration for everything. We all have our favorite style of music, as well as a band of choice, the one that most marked us at a certain time and that still haunts us. Every human being has one.

I confess that at the time, the 80s, U2 or REM were my favorite bands. However, I listened to The Cure and, like any teenager, I didn't want to give in and go with my friends' dark mainstream. Only later, as an adult, did I assume that The Cure would be the band of all time for me (in my lifetime, of course).

I remember listening to “Pictures of You” on my phones and my late father asking me to turn it down at dawn because he couldn't sleep. (But how? He had his phones on, my God, how could he hear? In another room 10 meters apart, with several rooms in between, how could I disturb him?)

Yesterday I learned that The Cure will release their new single, 16 years later, on November 1st. My late father's birthday. What an incredible thing. For me, of course! It's these coincidences that keep me here more and more.

For months I've been listening to the song “Alone”, the first single to be taken from the new album. Anyone who has followed this band will know that when you listen to this song, you'll be listening to an anthem. The atmosphere they create with the introduction of this song is absolutely brilliant. It's impossible to remain indifferent, impossible not to get goose bumps.

“This is the end of every song that we sing
The fire burned out to ash and
The stars grew dim with tears
Cold and afraid
The ghosts of all that we've been
We toast, with bitter dregs, to our emptiness”.

Translated with (free version)


! [Hidden Spoiler Text]
Nem só de fotografia vive o homem. A musica é a inspiração para tudo. Todos nós temos o nosso estilo musical preferido, bem como uma banda de eleição, aquela que mais nos marcou numa determinada época e que ainda nos persegue. Todo o ser humano tem uma.

Confesso que na altura, anos 80, U2 ou REM eram as minhas banda preferidas. No entanto, escutava The Cure e, como todo o adolescente, não queria dar o braço a torcer e ir pelo mainstream dark dos meus amigos. Só mais tarde, numa fase adulta, assumi que The Cure seria para mim a banda de todos os tempos. (No meu tempo de existência, claro).

Relembro quando ouvia “Pictures of You” de phones e o meu saudoso pai, pela madrugada a dentro, me pedia para meter mais baixo porque não conseguia dormir. (Mas como? Estava de phones, meus deus, como ele ouvia? Noutro quarto a 10 metros de separação, com várias divisões pelo meio, como o poderia perturbar?). Ontem soube que os The Cure vão lançar o novo single, 16 anos depois, no dia 1 de Novembro. Data de nascimento do meu saudoso pai. Que coisa incrível. Para mim, claro! São estas coincidências que me fazem estar aqui, cada vez mais.

Há meses que ando a ouvir a musica “Alone”, o primeiro single a ser extraído do novo álbum. Para quem acompanhou esta banda sabe bem que, quando ouvir bem este tema, vai estar parente um hino. Absolutamente genial a atmosfera que criam com a introdução desta musica, Impossível passar indiferente, impossível não arrepiar:
"This is the end of every song that we sing
The fire burned out to ash and
The stars grown dim with tears
Cold and afraid
The ghosts of all that we’ve been
We toast, with bitter dregs, to our emptiness”.
