Desire for immortality : Embracing the moment while making your mark on Earth.
the image above is mine
As a Kid growing up in Nigeria, I always dreamt of having a bigger and larger life, something more of extra ordinary than things i could find around me. As the saying goes , "change is the only thing that is constant" , the core meaning of these words is very evident here in the world of today. You might be up right now just for you to go down the next moment, seconds later you are now figuring out what next to do.
Through out all these, I have always harbored a thought on my mind , the desire to have a lasting mark on Earth, these thoughts is actually what keeps this song deeply inside my heart.
Over the years , I have always learnt to enjoy every moment of our life, even when things aren't working the way it's should, I have also learnt to embrace it and at the same time working and hoping that the best will come.
Living in the present has allowed me the willpower to be able to make the most out of any given opportunity.
Jay -z
- Living in the Moment:
At first, it was this that actually drew my closer to this song. I believe in the word "present is perfect " , love what you do and do it to the best of your capacity and watch the universe bring you good things.
Cherish every moment of your life , life it's too short , learn to make the most out of it.
- Legacy and Influence:
Steve jobs once said , "the world is ours , and we will make our mark on it. Live is not measured by how long you lived but the Mark you were able to achieve within the period you lived. The goal is to make your presence known about so that even when you are gone , people will still remember and celebrate you for the work you did.
Leaving a mark here on Earth has been one of my earnest dreams. That is what immortality means according to this song, achieving influence and accomplishment.
- Fearlessness and Ambition:
The song also encouraged us to leave a bold life free of fear. Fear is the number enemy of man, it acts as a reproach thereby restricting us from Makin great exploration. The songs motivates me to strive for greatness without fear.
- Success and Resilience:
Jay -z talked about coming from a humble beginning where he had struggled to make a living to becoming one of the biggest musician on Earth. This also acts as a source of motivation to me, knowing the fact that if he can make it , I too can also make it.
So dear friends, pursue your dreams with fearlessness and determination and don't forget to also live in the moment and embrace the process.
Stop surviving and and start living,take bold steps and chances, explore the world and be determined to fulfill your potential so that you will be able to leave behind something that you will be remembered for.