Hive open mic week 229/∆\ NICE PICTURE original song

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Hey amazing people, it's lovely to participate again in the hive open mic in this new week, a place where we share our ideas of the week's theme through music 🎵 and melody, it's so much a privilege to be here again.

Woo we have an exceptional theme for this week, throughout my time in the hive open mic, I've not a kind of different theme as this, anyways it's very creative, singing about PHOTOGRAPH would require our creativity so as to connect to the theme.

I had no song in mind initially but I got Inspired to write a song after seeing someone's entry, initially when I started writing the song, I just had in mind that the theme PHOTOGRAPH could be connected to MEMORIES because photos bring back memories, at some point, after looking deep into this, I realized something which i'w be sharing below.

Imagine losing someone so precious to you, maybe a loved one or a close friend, it's so painful right but still looking at that, it's a normal to take pictures with our loved expecially pictures of the time you shared together. Some people after losing such close friend would hold unto those PHOTOGRAPH to fill the space of those they lost in their heart.

But, as good as those pictures might be, carry them around won't bring back to life those that we've lost, it would only mean that we've not moved on, yes we can keep the pictures but time would come when we would have to let go of those memories so that we'd experience new ones.

I decided to dedicate this song to my grandfather, I lost him 6 years ago and I've learnt to move on when considering the fact that I didn't spend much time with him, you could as well move on Incase you're still holding onto someone. Hope this message reachs someone.


We took a nice picture yeah
Feel the love inside me
The memories won't last forever
It's soo hard to believe how we lost you
But I've got you because
Those pictures bring back memories and those memories bring back memories
But I have to let it down down down down


Hola gente increíble, un placer volver a participar en el hive open mic en esta nueva semana, un lugar donde compartimos nuestras ideas del tema de la semana a través de la música 🎵 y la melodía, es un privilegio estar aquí nuevamente.
Woo, tenemos un tema excepcional para esta semana, durante mi tiempo en el micrófono abierto de la colmena, no he tenido un tema diferente como este, de todos modos es muy creativo, cantar sobre FOTOGRAFÍA requeriría nuestra creatividad para conectarnos con el tema. .
Al principio no tenía ninguna canción en mente, pero me inspiré para escribir una canción después de ver la entrada de alguien. Inicialmente, cuando comencé a escribir la canción, solo tenía en mente que el tema FOTOGRAFÍA podría conectarse con MEMORIAS porque las fotos traen recuerdos, en algún momento. En este punto, después de investigar profundamente esto, me di cuenta de algo que compartiré a continuación.
Imagínese perder a alguien tan valioso para usted, tal vez un ser querido o un amigo cercano, es muy doloroso, pero aún así, es normal tomar fotografías con nuestros seres queridos, especialmente fotografías del tiempo que compartieron juntos. Algunas personas, después de perder a un amigo tan cercano, se aferrarían a esas FOTOGRAFÍAS para llenar el espacio de aquellos que perdieron en su corazón.
Pero, por muy buenas que sean esas fotografías, llevarlas consigo no devolverá la vida a aquellos que hemos perdido, sólo significaría que no hemos seguido adelante, sí, podemos conservar las fotografías, pero llegaría el momento en que Tendríamos que dejar ir esos recuerdos para poder experimentar otros nuevos.
Decidí dedicarle esta canción a mi abuelo, lo perdí hace 6 años y he aprendido a seguir adelante considerando que no pasé mucho tiempo con él, tú también puedes seguir adelante, en caso de que todavía estés. aferrarse a alguien. Espero que este mensaje llegue a alguien.


Tomamos una linda foto, sí.
Siente el amor dentro de mí
Los recuerdos no durarán para siempre.
Es tan difícil de creer cómo te perdimos
Pero te tengo porque
Esas fotos traen recuerdos y esos recuerdos traen recuerdos.
Pero tengo que dejarlo caer, bajar, bajar.

Designed via Canva

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Your way of singing is special! you are also very good at playing the guitar! it was fun from beginning to end! let's not forget to support the work of other users! success!


You are really doing great bro I really love your presentation it's a good thing you shared with us thank you keep up the good work.


Lovely presentation chidi👏👏. Your song is lovely, seeing pictures of loved ones surely brings back memories


Amigo @chidistickz me encantó tu canción . Tu letra tocó mi corazón porque he perdido muchas gentes valiosa y que amo en mi vida entre ellos mis padres, mi esposo y hermanos. Coincido contigo los recuerdos quedan capturados en una bella fotografía. Buen trabajo.🥰💙💛💚💕

Friend @chidistickz I loved your song. Your lyrics touched my heart because I have lost many valuable people that I love in my life, including my parents, my husband and brothers. I agree with you, the memories are captured in a beautiful photograph. Good job. 💙💛💚💕

Friend @chidistickz I loved your song. Your lyrics touched my heart because I have lost many valuable people that I love in my life, including my parents, my husband and brothers. I agree with you, the memories are captured in a beautiful photograph. Good job. 💙💛💚💕

Friend @chidistickz I loved your song. Your lyrics touched my heart because I have lost many valuable people that I love in my life, including my parents, my husband and brothers. I agree with you, the memories are captured in a beautiful photograph. Good job. 💙💛💚💕


Bro you are always flowing well I love it please keep it up
