A Throwback on something I have not done in a long time


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Who's ready for another throwback today, hey everybody, it's a beautiful time today and a time to bring back memories. Hope we're all doing great 👍.


I titled my today's Throwback " A THROWBACK ON SOMETHING I'VE NOT DONE IN A LONG TIME", yeah indeed, it's been months since I went out for rehearsals, so my today's Throwback will be on a refreshing rehearsals I went to some weeks ago. I did enjoy every bit of that rehearsal because it was refreshing, it's something I've not done in a long time.


Of course it's not just memorial because I enjoyed it, I learnt something important from that event, sometimes going outside our comfort zone makes us understand better, I learnt a lot from that event, things I wouldn't have learnt just from me rehearsing all by my self. Learning also requires going out to see others do it.

I got the opportunity to connect my semi acustic guitar to a speaker, and I discovered that I shouldn't strum hard when playing on the speaker, at least it wasn't something I would have learnt all by myself.

That's my throwback for today, thanks for coming around, see you next week.


¿Quién está listo para otro retroceso hoy? Hola a todos, hoy es un momento hermoso y un momento para traer recuerdos. Espero que estemos todos muy bien 👍. Titulé mi Throwback de hoy "UN THROWBACK SOBRE ALGO QUE NO HE HECHO EN MUCHO TIEMPO", sí, de hecho, han pasado meses desde que salí a los ensayos, así que mi Throwback de hoy será sobre unos ensayos refrescantes a los que asistí hace algunas semanas. . Disfruté cada parte de ese ensayo porque fue refrescante, es algo que no había hecho en mucho tiempo. Por supuesto que no es sólo un memorial porque lo disfruté, aprendí algo importante de ese evento, a veces salir de nuestra zona de confort nos hace entender mejor, aprendí mucho de ese evento, cosas que no habría aprendido solo ensayando todo. por mi mismo. Aprender también requiere salir a ver a otros hacerlo. Tuve la oportunidad de conectar mi guitarra semiacústica a un altavoz y descubrí que no debía rasguear fuerte cuando tocaba en el altavoz, al menos no era algo que hubiera aprendido por mi cuenta. Ese es mi recuerdo de hoy, gracias por venir, nos vemos la próxima semana.

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Hi! I understand what you are saying, I too find great pleasure in the musical rehearsals, in fact the concert is only the last part of the process, but a lot of the magic and learning happens in the moments when we study and prepare the music to be able to show it later. As you say, this is where we step out of our comfort zone and risk more to discover ourselves as musicians. Excellent post, I send you a hug and thank you very much for joining #tbt Thursdays ✌️
