Vibes Music Competition - Week 14 (Chick Corea - Spain )


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Vibes Music Competition

Week 14

9 de cada 10 - 2024-06-22T172648.447.jpg

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Howdy, Vibes. One of the most demanding genres in any instrument is jazz and among many of the legendary bands and great musicians is "Chick Corea" a pianist of great virtue who for many years gave impressive concerts showing off his ability with truly virtuosic musicians like him. His music is catalogued as a style in itself, the "Chick Corea" style, since he had a very characteristic way of making music and his impressive harmonic and melodic displays left an indelible mark on those of us who love the genre. Spain, one of his greatest hits is among many of his compositions, the best known and covered and today I want to bring you to this musical competition this song that has an unparalleled richness at a musical level. The bass in this case will be the protagonist in this version, I hope you like it.
Que tal, Vibes. Uno de los géneros de mayor exigencia en cualquier instrumento, es el jazz y entre muchas de las bandas legendarias y grandes músicos se encuentra “Chick corea” un pianista de gran virtud que por muchos años dio conciertos impresionantes haciendo gala de su habilidad con músicos realmente virtuosos como él. Su música está catalogada como un estilo en sí, el estilo “Chick Corea” ya que tenía una forma muy característica de hacer música y sus impresionantes despliegues armónicos y melódicos que dejaron una huella imborrable en quienes amamos el género. Spain, uno de sus más grandes éxitos es entre muchos de sus composiciones, el más conocido y versionado y hoy quiero traerles a esta competición musical este tema que tiene una riqueza inigualable a nivel musical. El bajo en este caso será el protagonista en esta versión, espero les guste.


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Captura de Video con mi Redmi Note 9

Captura de audio Reaper

Portada realizada en Canva

Video editado en Adobe Premiere Pro

Pista usada

twitter (X) @cesarramosbass

It is a great pleasure for me to start this path in this @vibes contest and wishing great success for the platform and all the musicians who are part of this proposal, as long as we support the initiatives to the maximum, seeking to improve every day each of our presentations, with great quality and I hope you like my participation.
Es un gran placer para mi iniciar este camino en este concurso de @vibes y deseando grandes éxitos para la plataforma y a todos los músicos que formen parte de esta propuesta, siempre que apoyemos al máximo las iniciativas, buscando mejorar cada día cada una de nuestras presentaciones, con gran calidad y espero les guste mi participación.

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Gracias por ver.gif

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This was a very vibrantly toned and beautifully jazzy entry
With energetic flow, captivating rhythms and grooving expressions
Your musical performance is inspiring and lively, great job
Looking forward to your next bass entry

-@Verbal-D: Gospel Musician/Rapper/Singer/Songwriter & Official Vibes Judge


I sincerely appreciate your nice words, sir, and promise to improve my performance so that it is more enjoyable to listen to music which has always been my love since I was a young child.



☕️ Hello @! Your post has been recognized by the cXc Music team!

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