Inner Circle of Truth and Censorship | Ben Shapiro Exposed for Hypocrisy, Censorship, POTUS2024

by @krishool on The Krishool Journey Podcast
View my bio on CastGarden: Inner Circle of Truth and Censorship | Ben Shapiro Exposed for Hypocrisy, Censorship, POTUS2024

We dissect Ben Shapiro's statements on Freedom of Speech, questioning his consistency amidst debates on censorship and the Israel-Palestine conflict. Join us as we navigate the turbulent waters of contemporary discourse, challenging conventional narratives and probing the complexities of freedom of speech. As the POTUS 2024 looms, we confront the dilemma of choosing between the lesser of two evils. Are we bound to settle or can we transcend the limitations of partisan politics? Join the conversation and our journey in a world where truth is often obscured by the noise of ideological battles.

Check out today’s video..!
