#threetunetuesday: (Not) Wedding Tunes

I was listening to the radio the other day and I was immediately taken back to a specific moment in my life when a song came on the radio. Isn't it interesting how music can do that to us. It's almost a bit magical the power music has to transport you to a moment in the past with such clarity that it almost feels like you are there again.
That's part of the reason I love these #threetunetuesday posts sponsored by @ablaze, not only do I get to share some of my favorite songs with you, I also get to relive some great (or not so great) memories from my past.
On top of that, when you post your three songs, it often introduces me to new music or bands that I had never considered before.
It's an amazing thing!
So let me set the stage for you. It's sometime a couple of decades ago and my friend @a4xjeeper is getting married. The wedding is over and we are at a Knights of Columbus hall that actually sits just a few miles down the road from where I now live. The dinner is over, the cake is cut, and the DJ is getting ready to settle in for a long night of spinning tunes and keeping the crowd "pumped".
We reach a point where the fast music is transitioning into a couple of slow songs when suddenly, this song comes on:
Don't get me wrong, "Lyin' Eyes" by the Eagles is a classic. Heck, anything by the Eagles is pretty much a classic. You can't call yourself a classic rock fan and not have at least one album by the Eagles.
That being said, I think it was a huge mistake to play this song at a wedding reception. Yes, it is a good song, but it is also a song about cheating. I mean, way to set the stage right out of the gate huh?
Unfortunately, this song was a little prophetic and the marriage didn't work out, but even if it had, I still contend this song never should have been played.
Amazing jam?? Absolutely!
Wedding reception material? Definitely not!
I don't care how great it is for a slow dance. It just should not be played. I'm not sure if the DJ was new or just had a mental lapse. I probably will never know, but any time I hear this song, I am always going to be transported back to that moment when it incredulously started playing at my best friends wedding reception.
You get the theme now?
Songs that shouldn't be played at a wedding reception.
Here we go again with another song that in my opinion is an absolute classic. "Neon Moon" is one of Brooks and Dunn's most well know and well loved songs. However, when you listen to the lyrics, you will realize that it isn't the lovey slow dance song that you initially think it is.
I remember listening to an interview with Brooks and Dunn a while ago and they were talking about this song. They said they can't even count how many people have come up to them and said "oh man, Neon Moon was our wedding song, we love it so much!".
I'm sure they were cordial in person, but in the radio interview, their reaction was quite different. Why! The song is about a person losing his love and drowning his sorrows at the bar by the light of a Neon Moon.
It's a song about love yes, but not the right side of love, it's the side of love that most wedding couples hope they never see.
Finally, I would have probably been heading for divorce myself if I didn't include this song by @mrsbozz's absolute favorite band Bon Jovi.
"I'll Be there for you" is one of those songs where if you listen to the lyrics you think it is this amazing song about love and commitment and never giving up. It's one of those Bon Jovi anthems that people can't help but sing along to and get this warm and cozy feeling when it comes on.
If you listen to the verses though, you will realize it is about a love that is heading down the wrong road. Sure, the guy is trying to get her back, but man, is that really the mood you want to set at the beginning of a marriage?
To be fair, there is a good chance a DJ wouldn't play this song anyway. I could see them saying something like "you can't dance to it" or something like that. Also to be fair. If you tuck it in late enough in the reception, people will likely be so drunk they only remember the chorus anyway.
I still contend that this one should probably be left out of most wedding reception rotations. What do you think?
If you are a DJ or a wanna be DJ, do you have any songs that should be on a "no fly list" for wedding receptions? I'd love to hear them in the comments. Drop me one of your banned wedding tunes. I'm sure @whywhy has some thoughts on this topic.
Oh yeah, in case you wondered, that is absolutely a picture from @mrsbozz and I's wedding almost 15 years ago now. If you know what to look for you can actually see @a4xjeeper in the crowd.
Also, credit where it is due, the photo was taken by his ex wife. Yeah, the Lyin' Eyes one!
Finally, just in case you wondered, @a4xjeeper has been happily remarried for several years now, so it all worked out in the end.
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See you back soon and all your goodness...
Thank you!
I am a slut, you pay I play. I mean I played goth metal parties and weddings. I would say I have played very little Goth at weddings but I did play Slayer on one or two very late and drunk occasions.
But my only no go would be Paradise by the dashboard lights, that is the song you hear every wedding I I think I got away with not playing it for years. I did play it at my eighties nights as it gave me time to go to the toilet and do shots with some of the pretty ladies😎
Haha, very interesting. Maybe people don't care as much about the lyrics as I think they do. Alcohol probably helps with that!
Well it also helps if the people inviting and paying you have a rock metal background and know that you can wedding dj for the fam 90% of the time and end the night for them with a little Angle of Death😂
hehe great selection. For sure not the wedding material songs when you give the lyrics a listen. Im not a huge fan of Bon Jovi tbh, but I can understand why people like them.
Oh my, don't let my wife hear you say that! I actually wasn't as big of a fan before I met my wife. I have seen them several times now and they are great. I don't think they are as good as they were, but they are still decent.
Music is lovely
It can help you to remember a lot of things. It can also change your mood. Music is actually very interesting and suitable for every mood...
Nice song!
Yeah, I have always loved music ever since I was little.
Thank you.
Ah yes! That can happen almost daily to me!
I did think to myself what was Lyin' Eyes doing, but then I read the whole post.
Oh Mrs bozz is one of those who like Bon Jovi, we have a few here who just can't get enough of him. Lol I won't say to her I am not that big a fan 🤣
Our dog is actually named Jovi. That is how much she likes him. I think she has seen him at least five times in concert. Only two or three of those have been with me.
Great tunes, all three of them. But you left off "You give love a bad name", but you have to go with the wife's favorite!
Ah yeah, that is a good one too. That takes me back to middle school dances more than it does weddings though!
There's always the good old Georgia Satellites "Keep Your Hands To Yourself" with the old shotgun wedding in the video!
That one is a classic. It's actually the only song of theirs I know. I've always thought about digging deeper into their catalog, but I have never gotten around to it.
Maybe just make time and go for it.
The Eagles will always be the best!!! but how do they start with that song at a wedding? hahaha, no, it definitely doesn't make sense! Now every time I listen to it, I'll remember your story.😂
Yeah, no one else really seemed to care, but for me it was pretty awkward!
I really ❤️ the three songs listed it really brings that good felling out
Thank you!
Your welcome 😘
Enjoyed Eagles, good to hear them again, at a wedding not so much, no place to hide!
New tune to me Brooks and Dunn, oh so lonely old country music not sure that would do either, Tell the truth I don't remember what we had as that "first dance" 🙃 Traditionally over here it was a waltz, no clue..?
None of these that is for sure Bon Jovi sounds like he is about to cry...
Good walk down your memory lane, wedding Eh!
I would have guessed it was some Roger Whitaker tune over there! He had some good ones! I think it would be cool to learn how to waltz sometime. It seems like it is pretty simple for the most part. It always looks so elegant. That's one of my favorite Bon Jovi songs, but definitely not for a wedding!
Roger Whittaker was very popular on radio, another my Mom enjoyed listening to. Born in Nigeria to of European descent many good songs produced.
Wedding, family arrive from England and further afield, music I never got too involved with at the time since our taste was more Moody Blues, Pink Floyd, Supertramp etc., we left most the selection to the professionals running the show.
That makes sense! I saw the Moody Blues in concert many years ago. It was a great show!
Must have been a great show, closest we got was watching via video.
Yeah, it was really good.
Ha ha, I like the idea for the post here man, tunes to definitely not play at a wedding, eh...
So true, when you listen to the words about broken dreams and such, you really would wonder how people would pick it for a first dance song at a wedding. It's a damn doo song though, just not a wedding song, ha ha.
Nice shot from your big day too man, I'm sure it was a great day for the parish as we say in these parts!
Yeah, I was really excited about this post once the theme came together for me. It was a fun one to run with. I remember out wedding day well. It was a perfect day, the weather was great for October in Michigan and @mrsbozz looked absolutely beautiful!
Sounds amazing man. It's a great day. Having all the people you both love and care about in one place to celebrate is very special 👌