The Wallflowers WSG Will Dailey for #threetunetuesday

The theme for this weeks #threetunetuesday sponsored by @ablaze just kind of fell into my lap. I was sitting at my desk several months ago when I got an email from a local concert venue that The Wallflowers were coming for a show. Being a kid of the 80's/90's my interest was immediately piqued.
For one, the venue they were playing at is close, relatively small, the seats are comfy, and it is climate controlled. That's a pretty good start for a show if you ask me. In addition to that, it was a weekend that we actually didn't have any camping trips planned, so it worked out well for us.

I purchased two tickets and placed them on the refrigerator under an old hard drive magnet until we were ready to use them.
Somewhere along the way, I didn't realize that there was an opening act for the show. The show didn't start until 8:00 PM, so that made me assume there was no opening act. I couldn't have been more wrong.

At 8:00 sharp a solo young man walked out onto the stage, picked up a guitar and started playing. Thus we were introduced to Will Dailey. I'm pretty sure some of his songs sounded familiar to me, but I can't say for sure. They would have been those songs that Spotify picks for you after you listen to something else.
Will did a great job of warming up the crowd. He was personable, he told some good stories, and he made us laugh quite a bit which was good. After doing a bit of research, Dailey has been on the scene for quite some time now. He actually has some pretty big accolades behind his name. "Sunken Ship" is the perfect song to showcase his talents.
One of the most interesting things about his 45 minute set was a story he told about the ten dollar song.
The $10 song was inspired by Joni Mitchell and while he told us about it, he would not play it. In fact, he will never play the song. He recorded it once and the only way you can listen to it is if you go to his "merch" table, put on some headphones and listen to it there.
He wanted to see what the impact would be if you could only hear a song once in your life. It's a pretty amazing concept. The line was too long, so we didn't partake, but I like the idea. It's unique and innovative.
I have to be honest, this Wallflowers show was quite interesting. I have never seen them in concert before, so I wasn't quite sure what to expect. Being even more honest, I only know about three or four Wallflowers songs to begin with.
It became pretty obvious after a while that the crowd was in the same boat. That being said, "Three Marlenas" is a Wallflowers song that I do know. Unfortunately, it wasn't part of the set list at the show we attended. I had actually forgotten about this song until halfway through the show when I leaned over to @mrsbozz and said "I wonder if they will play Three Marlenas".

As I said, it was a kind of interesting show. There were many songs that it was difficult to understand what the lead singer was singing. The acoustics in this theater are pretty good, so I don't know if it can be attributed to something with the sound or if it has to do with that mumbly voice that Jakob Dylan has.
He is Bob Dylan's son after all, so that should tell you something if you have never heard him before. His singing voice is like a mumble... think Bob Dylan or Bruce Springsteen and you might understand what I am saying.
Of course the songs we knew came through loud and clear, it helps when you know the words!

Another thing that made the concert interesting was the venue and the crowd. The Midland Center for the Arts is no stranger to shows, but it is pretty rare that a band like this comes to play there. More often than not, you will see classical musicians, opera singers, or theater productions on this stage.
While I do think the crowd enjoyed the show, there wasn't the same energy that you get when you are at a rock concert.
Jakob could feel it too. There was a point halfway through the show where he called out the crowd and asked them to give him more energy. After that point people actually got on their feet and started dancing along to some of the songs.
I can imagine it must be hard for a band that is used to people being loud and dancing around to play in a place like this. The center might want to think twice before they have a concert like this again. Either that or move it to their outdoor venue next time.
As I alluded before, The Wallflowers didn't have a ton of hits. Maybe five at the most. That became pretty clear when people in the crowd kept shouting out the big hits they wanted to hear. Jakob handled it well and told the crowd that they needed to pace themselves. It wouldn't be any fun if they played the big songs all at the beginning.
It was honestly a little embarrassing for our town. I'd like to hope that maybe the guy yelling "One Headlight" was from the next town over!
They did play some of their newer songs like "Roots and Wings" and @mrsbozz and I actually found that we enjoyed those just as much if not more than the big hits. We both agreed that we needed to dig back into The Wallflowers and explore some of their newer stuff.
Dylan has a pretty unique voice that makes him fun to listen to. You can definitely hear the nuances he gets from his dad in his singing.
It's interesting to note that they didn't play one of their biggest hits the cover of David Bowie's "Heroes". I looked at some of their set lists from other shows and it was missing from those too. Either they got tired of playing it, or who knows what, but they don't seem to be playing it anymore.
It wasn't a big deal to me, I would have rather heard Three Marlenas anyway.
Despite all of the oddities, it was still a really great show and we had a delightful evening taking it in. After the concert we drove out to the country and found a spot to watch some of the meteors from the Perseid's shower that was peaking on Saturday night.
No pictures of that, but it fit perfectly with the rest of our night watching the stars!
Sports Talk Social - @bozz.sports

It has been a while I went for shows like this
The environment is always very lovely
Nice one!
Thank you! I appreciate that. It is a pretty cool little theater!
Placing tickets on fridge is nice idea. Next time I will try it too. 🤣
Just kidding
We generally have a stack before each summer starts that are ready to go for us. I have another show in a week or so that I am really looking forward to.
I also eagerly font to join musical shows. But I remain busy in my academic studies. University life has really so much to offer like assignments presentations etc so we mostly remain entangled with the work.
Ah yes, I am glad that part of my life is far behind me. You should still try to carve out some time here and there to have some fun. You have the rest of your life to work hard!
I just enjoy my days in university and in hostel. Each moment I live with fun, with happiness.
Although there remain pressure but I manage it very well with my jolly attitude.
Sounds like it was a good show, I only know maybe two or three of their songs, but they're good ones. Too bad there wasn't Three Marlenas though, it's a good one! At least I got to hear it in your post today!
Yeah, for sure. I was also thinking it would be cool if he played some of his dad's songs. Instead they did a couple Tom Petty covers in the encore.
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Nice report :) People tend to yell for the hits while often there are so many other great songs of a band. I often, when visited a concert, listen to some albums the next day of that particular band/artist. Recognize the gems that weren't a hit in the first place. :)
Yeah, I am the same way. There are so many hidden gems that didn't make it to the radio. Everyone has a different ear, so what might be a nothing song to someone has a lot of meaning for the next person.
Great picks! I would have been all over going to that show. A small venue, good seats, a great band. I'm long past the point of wanting to stand up and fight the crowd at a concert.
Yeah, I am totally with you. I can handle the lawn at a nice venue like Alpine or Pine Knob, but I wouldn't want to be in the pit no matter how tame the concert was!
That's really cool that you got to see them. They're a band I often forget about but always enjoy when I do happen to come across them.
Jakob Dylan has really never been focused on being part of the "in" crowd, so to speak. He enjoys doing what he does and hopefully others enjoy it too. Truth is, he's probably forgotten more about music than what most people know.
And yeah, he really does have a good mumble going on!
I agree with everything you say here and I feel the same way. I actually forgot more songs of theirs than I knew. He seemed happy just to be on stage. It was a great show.
Nice one man, that looks to have been a quality gig and man I love watching the support acts as often they are less known, but could be destined for greatness or just be top class. Either way I always like to turn up on time to watch them and give them the respect that they deserve. The Wallflowers are decent band that I have dipped into a bit over the years, One Headlight would be one of my fave tunes, but Three Marlenas is a great tune too, so good shout.
We usually try to make it to the whole show, so we see a lot of those opening acts. You are right, I have seen quite a few of them that ended up becoming quite big in their own right.
Good on you. It's the decent thing to do too to support the up and coming artists.