RE: Musical murals

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I have such a weird relationship with graffiti. I can't decide if I like it or not.
I like the angel accompanied by the shadow of the devil, it's a very successful representation of humanity.
You're right that house wall drawings can be associated with music, I hadn't thought of that, and thanks for the idea. I will try to discover the music behind the drawings I see and maybe I will like them better that way.

Alzheimer's is one of my big fears, actually, my second... The song didn't convince me.

My, what a long clip! Eleven hours are useless if I fall asleep in the first eleven minutes... if this doesn't happen I'll probably die of boredom.

34.8°C, I didn't believe you could be such a cold woman! I joked I joked... please forgive me, I say now as my wife often tells me in similar cases, that she couldn't miss such an opportunity to joke.

I've also had such low temperatures, around 35°C, and I'm "famous" for my slow heart rate.


I have a similar feeling toward graffiti. Those that are really cool and sometimes like pieces of art are awesome, aren't they? But many times we see just those without any value, or just doodling on the walls or writing ugly words. That is not nice at all. Especially for the owner of the house

Everything can be associated with music, so you can try that exercise with other things too, not just with graffiti.

Alzheimer's... I know...

Haha, cold woman. Maybe I am a cold-blooded creature 😂 (joke as well)
I think that in general I also have a lower body temperature. Humour is always welcome, in family and among friends, and Hive friends too 😇


Humour is always welcome, in family and among friends, and Hive friends too

I agree with you and enjoy it when I meet people who like to laugh, and who have a sense of humor.
