Another year gone...

Another year has gone by, what does the coming year hold? Of course, this is a natural question, and I think most of us are thinking about it.

My habit of writing posts with the help of a musical background surprised me again. I'm listening to a collection called "Old Soul"... Nat King Cole, Frank Sinatra, Louis Armstrong... and I've stopped writing to listen to Cheek to Cheek(Heaven). Does it have anything to do with the current moment in my life? I'm not a good dancer and not a big fan, but cheek-to-cheek with my wife can still be heaven. Especially since I have my own beliefs about the two(Heaven and Hell), promise and threat, which are said to come after death, that both are on earth, they mix and we live them alternately.

Another year has gone by, and the new one will start in one day.


Was the year leaving a good one for me or the opposite? Am I glad it's over?

The answer to this question describes well my indecisive nature. I am both happy and sad. I'm glad it's over because I've lived another year, which is an increasingly difficult achievement at my age. When I was a child and a teenager I wanted very much to get over it, to become a grown-up, I wanted time to pass faster. I didn't know that the time would come when time would flow faster.

The past year has been mixed with joys and sorrows, as life is. The fact that I see it as a lost year is because I failed to solve some problems that were scheduled to be solved. The fact that I see it as a year gained is because of what I said above, which is that I can add it to the other years of my life.

In a few days, just after the start of the new year, I will turn 70. Even before I knew that 70 is the life expectancy of men in Romania, I considered this age as a target. I thought that if I surpassed it, the other years would be a bonus. I'll live off the bonus!

Yesterday I saw on TV that life expectancy is now updated to 71 years and six months. I should have been happy but I was scared to try to reach it... the new target!

Under these circumstances, I should be optimistic and hope that the new year will be a good one for me. At least get through it...

Until recently I was an optimist at the end of the year. I liked to believe that the new year to come would necessarily be better than the previous one. The last four to five years have changed my outlook and optimism.

Unfortunately, our world is changing! And just as global warming cannot be stopped, so this change, which is already visible, cannot be stopped or changed.

Democracy (literally "rule by the people", from the Greek δημοκρατία - demokratia, from demos, "people" + kratos, "power" = "power of the people") is a political regime based on the will of the people. The basic principles of democracy are universal suffrage and the sovereignty of the nation. The essence of modern democracy is respect for human rights (equality before the law, the right to express one's opinion, etc.), multipartyism, limitation, and separation of powers in the state.source

Unfortunately, people are now less and less educated, and logic is no longer taught in schools. People no longer believe in science, they are more likely to believe what those who are trained to take their minds say, but who cannot cure their sick child.

So the "power of the people", expressed through the vote, could bring next year the beginning of... of the end! This is my sour and old-fashioned perception. That is why I await the new year with dread. And I hope my perception is false...

I love writing and listening to music at the same time. Music is one of life's pleasures. I like to remember a song that I like a lot.

Six years ago, when I turned 64, I wrote a little blog and found the perfect song for that moment.

When I'm Sixty Four

I wanted to look for that lost post in the murky waters of Steemit, I wanted to and I didn't.

I wonder what song would be appropriate now. I don't know now but if I get an idea before I finish writing, then under this line will be a song!

Simply Red - Holding Back The Years

Some experience a sense of loss as a year closes out and some a feeling of excitement and renewal with the new year in mind, how about you?

This is what I chose from @galenkp's suggestions for this weekend which coincides with the end of the year.

I think it's a good time to give thanks for the help he spreads each week.

Thank you Galen and have a great New Year!

Happy New Year to all!
Thank you to everyone who let me know something about them and their lives and thank you to those who found something useful in what I wrote here.
See you in 2024!

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I hope the new year holds beautiness and happiness for us.

Happy new year my friend!


In how many things I agree with what you say, the world is changing and I wonder where it is going... a question that will be answered in time.

70 years? But if you are young, there is still a lot of walking, strolling, travelling and writing to do, there is still a lot to do!

I wish you a very happy 2024 full of good times! Thank you @bluemoon 🤗


Happy New Year @bluemoon and Happy Birthday if I miss the date! Don't be sad! Be happy for every day you get from life! There are many happy years to come! 🥳🥂


Thank you very much, @erikah!
Congratulations on your position in this community. Surely there will be more achievements this year for you.


70?!? There is no way! Man you are killing it and it has been a pleasure following you all these years.

I usually take the same approach every year in thinking more about the challenges, and not so much having made it through those challenges or the blessings. Then looking forward to the new year like it will be anything different.

It DOES feel different every year because I am actively building, learning, becoming more honest with myself (hopefully) and I am a late bloomer so the best is yet to come!

Happy new year with all the blessings of last and the opportunity for something new and awesome in 2024.


Thank you very much, @zekepickleman! You're very kind to me and I'm flattered. I'm glad I know you, and that we're here together to tell our stories and share our life experiences. Like you, I'm happy to learn.
Forgive the delay in responding. I got a gift of a vacation by the sea, even though it's winter. It's delightful. Happy New Year!


The gift of an experience like a vacation is what happiness is made of. Welcome back!


The past year is mixed with sadness and joy but I hope this new year is better and serves us right
Happy new year to us!


Trepidation is what we tend to feel watching democracy slowly being distorted to suit but a few.

We know the past, witness a generation with noses hidden behind electronic devices, now wondering how we got here.

For as long as we are healthy in body and mind, assist youth by reminding them of what real life is about, exploring, inquiring always adventurous in spirit.

Happy 70th in the next couple of days, keep smiling and have a wonderful year whatever it brings our way.



Thanks so much, @joanstewart! An equally good year to you. You've given me hope with the young people behind the devices. I hope they listen to our words!


Technology like anything in life comes with both good/bad label attached.

Have a wonderful day,enjoy your big number celebrations with family and friends too.


Thank you very much. Wish you a good new year!


You got an idea! 😁

As much as the old-fashioned way is old-fashioned, in many many areas of life, it seems to be, and has sometimes proven to be, the best way to function. Especially in light of all the chaos of the 4IR.

Yours is an interesting piece.

Cheers to the new year sir!
Cheers to surpassing that updated life expectancy!
Cheers to enjoying your bonus years!
