Three Tuesday Tune - Michael Fry - Viral Clips Performed by an Indie Band



I have always been interested in comedy and as an offshoot of this musical comedy but unfortunately not many can pull it off. The Flight of the Conchords is amazing, and the creators are genuises. So good in fact that they have won an Oscar but I do like comedians like David O Doherty as well with his little keyboard. This brings me onto Michael Fry. He is not a famous name yet but his name is getting bigger and it won't be long until he is all over the UK. Now Michael's special talent is making viral Youtube clips (mainly from Ireland ) into an indie song and the results are hilarious. Now some of these clips I have never seen in my life so I check out the clips and then watch the song again. So let us take a look at the first viral clip.

This is a citizens Arrest Prepare To Die.

We all know of the David Attenborough Wildlife spectacle Planet Earth. Well it's producer was caught on camera having an absolute full on breakdown after a car crash. Roll the VT!


Now here is Michael Fry doing the clip but in an indie band style.


Amazing. 😂 😂. A couple of my friends love different lyrics in the song but I have say I love the lyric. "Will you be a witness? Yes! Thanks You" I don't know why it always gets me.

Where is John Rogers of the Morning of the Meeting?

Over the last year , a family have been all over the news backing their son Enoch , a teacher and a good one at that apparently , who refused to call a person who was transitioning in sex by the proposed gender because it was against his religion. He was sacked by the private school but he still turned up for school everyday and was arrested every time. In his disciplinary hearing by the school , His whole family turned up and it ended up in chaos. John Rogers who is the school chairman was absent on the day so the family spent the morning chanting "WHERE IS JOHN ROGERS ON THE MORNING OF THE MEETING."This is a really interesting story in Ireland and I do have a little soft spot for Enoch turning up at his school every day without fail after he was sacked.

Original Video


Indie Version - Where is John Rogers


I just can't get this song out of my head. And you won't be able to either.

Irish Dads Reaction To Son Failing Driving Test

I am not sure if this video is overseas as of yet but the Irish dads reaction of his son failing his driving test went viral in ireland. His son was only joking with him and passed with flying colours but he let on he didn't and his father went crazy. The original video is funny but the indie version is funnier.

Viral Video

Indie Version

I will leave you with a Christmas bonus track seeing that the month is in it but in the form of an Irish punk band. Gud Luck


hahaha... that was fun :D Thanks for introducing me to the rocking lad. Merry Christmas!
