Hive Open Mic 183 - Goodbye - Miss Linky (COVER) @biyimi

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What a wonderful weekly contest Hive Open Mic contest always showcase and this week is not different. I have decided to participate in this week contest which the theme is “Hasta la Vista” which means goodbye.

Out of the numerous songs that passed the strong message of goodbye to us, I have decided to do the cover song of goodbye by Miss Linky. For many of us who did not know miss linky, she is on YouTube and she constantly upload videos relating to children content on her YouTube channel.

At the end of this post, I dropped the link to the original song if you are interested in checking it out.


Goodbye Everybody, We had a good day
Goodbye Everybody, It's Time to say
Goodbye to my Teachers
Goodbye to my Friends
Goodbye Everybody Till I see you again

Wave your hands left
Wave your hands right
Turn Around Once
And clap your hands Twice

Step to the left
Step to the right
Jump to the middle
And jump out wide

Goodbye Everybody, We had a good day
Goodbye Everybody, It's Time to say
Goodbye to my Teachers
Goodbye to my Friends
Goodbye Everybody Till I see you again

Video Original


Once again I remain @biyimi

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