It's Always Music!

“First you learn the instrument, then you learn the music, then you forget all that s**t and just play.”

Charlie Parker


Hello there, full-time weekenders!

Frustration, anger, boredom, anxiety, and else. All these feelings can be used to channel some drive to get into doing better things. Whenever I get too fed up with myself, I drop all I'm doing. Then, it's just my instrument and myself. It all begins with scales, chops and strums. Maybe some agility drills. And in no moment, I'm enjoying myself and forgetting about anything that was troubling me before. It's a form of meditation. It's how I regain focus and keep moving. It's my favorite thing to do by myself.

I've never had the interest of being a Musician in the whole sense of the world. I consider artists are such when they can make a living out of the art they perform of study. For the rest, we are something akin to adepts into a particular field of art. I've met poets who write for themselves. Poetry becomes a therapy. There are some secrets they don't want people to know. They writing is personal. That's ok. Everyone can do what they want with that. The same happens with me and music. I like instruments. I love music. But I'm not too keen in being a musician. Let me play the songs I want and grow on my own pace. That's the way I like it.

From time to time, I'll get a shot at showing people some of the things I've learned. This media is a good way to do it. However, if I get fed up with recording videos, I'll step back and get into my own corner to enjoy my time playing and let hours go by without worrying. No cameras. No need to rush. No need to be perfect. Just enjoying the process and what comes out of it.

I'm invited to close the Flora Cumanensis workshop. That activity has been a blast. Reconnecting with nature and writing my first poetry book out of the experience feels great. Never thought I'd be collecting poems about nature after experiencing it. Besides, I need to do it to receive the certificate. Extra motivation goes a long way.

So, I have a spot at the end of the event to play some music for those who attend the exposition of the event and the plants showroom. I did some of this last year and my work was appreciated. Here I am again to show some of the prowess on music. And that's mostly what I've been doing this week, studying to have a good performance. Maybe something else will come from this, but I can't tell. Not going to close myself to the opportunities if they arise.

Anyways, I close second to my favorite thing could be creating content for Hive. I have spent a lot of time on this since July of 2022. I'm close to my second-year-in-a-row anniversary. And music has been around to help me cope with the troubles and stress of creating content like this.

It's a good thing I have something I love so much and don't hesitate to share with others if I want to. However, the magic happens when it's only my instrument and me. And that I can't share even if I wanted to. It's like measuring a quantum event. Just by looking at it, the results would be totally different.

That means you have to take my word for it!

  • Photos 📷: taken by me (Redmi Note 13)
  • Editing 🎬: by me, made with Adobe Photoshop Lightroom.

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Follow me on Instagram for enquires and commission.

If you'd like to help the workshop grow, you can make a donation here.

You can find me at discord as bertrayo#1763


Music is art and like me with my art we can cope better by focusing on it. For me you are a musician, so you are in your heart. Just my point of view and I'm glad that music helps you so much. 😃


I don't consider such myself. Being a Musician at heart isn't the same as actually being one. It's a matter of professionalism. Anyways, channeling that stuff is a key component of art. And I enjoy it a lot


The important thing is that you enjoy it! It fills the soul.


Imagine how many valuable pieces of music, or how many beautiful poems, are stored in the world and will never be known. It's great that you enjoy music alone. I recently went to a chocolate workshop and one of the instructors commented something very similar, some of the chocolates she prepares she doesn't share with anyone. And that's good.


Now I wanna try some of those chocolates. Art is always a very intimate process that doesn't get out in the open. At least, the best parts don't.


I also want to try them, if someday she decides to share them I will send you some.
