The Crossroads of Music and Poetry

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If I had my life to live over again, I would have made a rule to read some poetry and listen to some music at least once every week.

Charles Darwin

Hello there, my fellow musicians!

I love how getting into the scene of cultural life in the city gives you a glimpse of so many interesting things. I'd like to share with you part of a concert by one of the choir groups in the city. I have shown them before, but the reason behind this concert is far more interesting.

You see around the week that goes from June 9th to the 13th, we celebrate the birth and death of one of the poets of Cumana, Jose Antonio Ramos Sucre. During this week, there are lots of activities held at the house museum he owned in life. This year, we had the chance to receive some interesting guests with an even more interesting idea for a book.

Two books on the poet. One was poetry; the other, essays. And alongside, the author on the former. The idea of her book is a sort of replies to the texts of Ramos Sucre. It is an interesting idea to write replies to poems in a way you make sense of them. It is a portrayal of the thought process that gives sense to the rhythm and music in the words that compose this kind of art.

The guests even brought some gifts in the form of copies of books for the library and a plaque with the face of the poet.

We had a recital and some talk about the process of writing the book. And in the photos you can see there's a sort of field journal with annotations for the writing of such a thing. A journal into the field of poetry it is. Exploration of this kind tends to bear place into the depths of thoughts and the reconstruction of scenes, feelings and more.

And during the event, I was selected to read something to help people understand how the idea of the author works in motion. So, I played the role of Ramos Sucre in one of his poems. Don't worry, you won't see myself reading other person's poetry around here. I wish I could, but I don't know how that would fare with the watchers.

Anyhow, the response was interesting. The back and forth ideas make an interesting contrast regarding times, beliefs and gender. Since the author of the new book is female, she might understand the words of the poet under a different light.

To top off this presentation of the book and poetic afternoon, the closing number of the choir did the perfect kind of break to make people come back to reality. However, before this number they did a selection of songs you could actually call poems with music.

It seems there's never one without the other.

I'm glad it happens this way.

  • Fotos/Photos and Video 📹 📷: taken by me (Redmi Note 13)

  • Portada/Thumbnail 🖼️: by me, created with Canva.

  • Edición/Editing 🎬: by me, made with Capcut.

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You can find me at discord as bertrayo#1763

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I often think that music is poetry in song and I love that. They are so related that it is difficult to separate them. I really liked the video, the singing and the sounds. But also the photographs, especially the one of the book "Los ojos del tiempo".

Thank you Andrés!


Amigo si te gusta la poesía y la música por favor te pido que escuches solo un tema, cualquier tema, de Brock Ansiolítico no tengo dudas de que te va a gustar me encantan todos sus temas y ya hace algunos años que dejo el rubro, pero tengo entendido que volverá a hacer música.


Bueno, me tocará ver de qué va eso. Cuando regrese a casa, lo reviso.
