How Do I Say Goodbye


If there is one thing I am scared of is death. Most days, I ask myself over and over again how I am going to cope if I lose someone very close to me. I think sometimes we have no answer to those kinds of questions except when we get to experience a situation related to it. You see people lose their loved ones and then you just don’t know to give a condolence message because you have never experienced it, or maybe when you experienced that you were too little to understand it.


A few months ago I lost my favorite cousin. I have been living my life in denial. My parents were so shocked when they delivered the message to me and I didn’t cry or even act sad at all. I have been able to live in denial that she is not gone. To me maybe she isn’t visiting as she usually does. I still feel like she traveled and would reach out one of these days.

She watched me grow up. She lived with us when we were little kids so I grew up with the mentality that she was my older sister, we had a striking resemblance everyone would always tell me how I looked so much like her. She would always give her old clothes to me when they no longer fit her. I always felt like I was a big girl when I had them on and would have a bright smile on.

She would always tease me with things I did when I was little, how I would always cry for my food, and how I would always want to cuddle with her since she was older. Well, life happens and she is no longer here with me. Funny how she told me she would scale through the Sickle Cell phase and come out stronger but then she left, Maybe if I could take back the hands of time we would make sure she wasn’t a sickle cell patient. I am done with being in denial. These few days I have kept to myself as the memories of losing her creep in and I can not help but cry myself to bed most nights.


I didn’t even get to say goodbye to her as I have always been in denial even till the day she was buried. Even if I was given a chance to say goodbye to her, How do I say goodbye to her? How do people say goodbye to people they have known for their whole life and then lose them under certain circumstances? It is so scary.

“How Do I Say Goodbye” by Dean Lewis is a song I bumped into while going through “Chill Hits” on my Spotify. I think this song was what brought back memories to me. Funny how I couldn’t bring myself to write out how I feel and how the lyrics say a lot about how I feel, so I just kept listening to the lyrics and asking several questions that I had no answers to.

So how do I say goodbye
To someone who's been with me for my whole damn life?

Maybe Someday I might still get to see every loved one I have lost and then I will get to hug them again and I won’t get to say goodbye.

Till then, R.I.P Sister Perfect

All images used are mine except otherwise stated

Thanks for stopping by💕
Cheers 🥂


So sorry for your loss, the song is really an emotional one, saying goodbye is never easy.


My condolences Bee❤️. It's not easy to say goodbye to someone you love, just know that she's in a better place free from all the pains of the world


Thank you so much☺️☺️


Losing so one so close can be so devastating.
So sorry for your loss Bee✨


Thank you so much Wongi☺️


Oh goodness me I feel you. You know we all grieve in different ways and it is common to be in denial. The best way to deal with devasting news is pretend it never happened.
It was almost as if you really were twins, so I would be shocked to B with the 5 e's.
I know she loves you and is in your heart 💙


Thank you so much Uncle Ed☺️☺️ Most times we stay in denial but then a time comes when emotions just comes flooding in


So sorry, death has eventually touched every family in earth and it's a very painful situation because no matter how you try to move on memories will always take you back to your loved one who's dead.
But death doesn't end it all, take heart dear



Good-byes are usually the hardest. Sorry For your loss dear. Time doesn't necessarily heal the pain, it just makes it easy to cope or live with

Came in from #dreemport


I don't think we need to say goodbye, not really. I think a part of us are with us forever any way. It might be something they've influenced us to be - perhaps curiosity, or enthusiasm, or kindness, or maybe we think 'oh, what would they do?' or think of them when we see something they'd like. We live FOR them and they live THROUGH us.

I think it's hard to talk to people who've lost someone when we don't know how to, or have never really grieved ourselves. I guess it's not about us, and even just saying something that SOUNDS dumb can be a really nice thing to say like 'I'm sorry to hear about your Dad, are you okay?'.

I'm about to lose my Dad and I've never really lost anyone so close to me before. Not that close. I have no idea how it's gonna feel. I imagine there will be tears!


Oh my, I just hope you stay strong all through. It’s okay to express your emotions any how you want to. No one has any right to judge you on how you react when it happens
