Greatest love of all.

Pleasant greetings to you all hivians and music lovers. It's so good to be here again after a while.

My post today was inspired by a post by @eliany concerning societal pressures. Is it easy to cope with societal pressures?

Can one truly avoid societal pressures? hmm, these and many more questions troop into my mind and I can't seem to get clear answers.

Image is mine

There are pressures from left, right and centre. Some come after your work or your lack of it. Some come for your relationship status. You'll hear things like..

"When are you bringing home a man, dear?"

I don't get it, should I go out there and just grab any man and bring him home or is there a special "river" I could go to , throw in my fishing line and boom, catch a man from?

Other societal pressures come for your kids, their grades, their lifestyle, their friends and future ambition. You find parents in competition against other parents, they're trying to pitch their kids as better than "the other kids".

All these mumbo jumbo keep ramming my mind till this song came to me. It's a very old song but I remember the lyrics especially the chorus and it was inspiring. I had to listen to it again to feel what the singer was trying to pass on and it's true. Love is the only way we pull through.

The greatest love is deep within you.

The late Whitney's song still carries a powerful message even today. The society can take away everything but they can't take away our identity or dignity and that can only be if we are grounded in unconditional love.

I have learnt to cope with societal pressures by drowning their voices out and searching deep within me to do that which suits my identity. If I'm to be a medical doctor, it will be because I want to and not because "society" says so.

I aim for the best, for quality and for an improved version of myself daily. This is not to please anybody but rather it's me being true to my identity and myself. I can't fill up someone's shoes, even though such phrases are used quite often in speeches.

I have discovered that some shoes are too big while some are too small to fit my person and purpose.

So here I am sharing the video to that wonderful song released in 1986 by Whitney Houston.

Greatest love of all

Decide not to walk in anyone's shadow. Whatever the outcome of your life's journey, the one regret you'll have is that you did not live your own life.

I don't want to have such regrets.

Thank you for reading and listening.

Video link from #Youtube.


One needs to face the pressure squarely. If you give the room for it, some people would make you look down on yourself in some ways.
It is best for one to do what suits his identity.

avatar there a special "river" I could go to , throw in my fishing line and boom, catch a man from?

😄 I couldn't help laughing at this part of your post. I've been here before and asked similar questions. There's pressure every where and sometimes they can be overwhelming. I wonder why we do this to ourselves.

Your choice of song is perfect! I love this Whitney's song. In the midst of these pressures, the best way to conquer them is to simply love yourself!


I like this music. The moment I heard the beat, I screamed internally, haha.

And yes, you are right. It is better to live the life that you want instead of living for people. That living never brings peace.


Thank you so much, I'm glad you liked the music.

Have a great weekend 🤗


Pretty song with great inspiration. I'll never walk in anyone's shadow cool!! Moreover your people are funny requesting you bring someone home. This' always the shout of mother's in precision but the fact is that the right person will take your direction at the right time. Just be you, whether you fail or succeed is no one's business as the song may have it. Keep optimism over the future because nature has it way of doing things. Nice publication.


Thank you so much. I'll do just that, like you said.

Thank you so much
