RE: Happy birthday, Phil!!!
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Leider ist er wohl schon länger erkrankt und kann nicht mehr spielen. Schade.
Er hat schon einige starke Songs gemacht. Die Live Verson von In the Air Tonight ist auch hammermäßig:
Aber auch die alten Videos sind legendär. Wie zB. das hier, eines meiner Lieblingsvideos überhaupt:
Ja, ihm geht es wie allen guten Männern leider :-( - bei mir fing Phil und Genesis Zeit an in 1981 - eines der wenigen britischen Bands, die ich wirklich mochte damals. Neben Abacap und den bekannten Phil Solo Songs waren das meine Lieblingsstücke:
Genesis: Home by the Sea und "Second Home by the Sea" - kommerziell bereits aber genial - we talked about these songs even in school lessons - maybe @slobberchops or @steevc can say something about that - already commercial but to me the best album by Genesis:
Phil Solo - Take me Home
Genesis (1983), the best? Far from it IMO.., Mama was great though!
I started to like em with Phil at Abacap 1981 - I also like earlier songs (after jumping back in timebut am not a fan of Peter Gabriel to be honest :-)
It seems, that I'm not of Peter Gabriel either.
Not sure this is good or bad - maybe we are similar sometimes :-) - however Peter Gabriel is a great artist - I am just a guy that likes or dislikes voices such as with Phil - the best voice in Rock will always be Lou Gramm anyway
We have our differences, like Guns N' Roses for example.
I like most Dio, as a voice, but this is a matter of taste.
I respect both but not liking any of their voices - i f I had to chose I am in for Ronnie James Dio
Dio is a legend, but as we said, it is all a matter of taste.
totally agree - RIP
Nice to see you commenting on one of my posts. This is a very rare occasion. And yes, Mama was great.
He had his niche, like mentioned before, I loved the combo with Miami Vice.
Hang on - now I am confused - Phil and Miami Vice?
Yes, he even played in Miami Vice:
And I really enjoyed this scene:
ok got ya - did not know but I am fan of Jan Hammer and Crockets Theme - to me one of the best ever songs to support a movie or TV series:
Yes, that is also a cool theme.
the best - take me home by Phil was indeed part of Miami Vice just realized or better remembered
Yes, yes. I really loved the show, the music and all. It was a cool to see, after living in that communist crap, to feel the freedom, this guys had.
Ja, leider ist er krank. Wollte mir Tickets holen vor seiner letzten Tour, aber er wurde krank.