You don't know.


You don't know because you never asked or made an attempt or deep research on it, and that's how ignorance sets in. Most people find it more comfortable relying on what was said or heard and using that to judge the next cause of their lives instead of doing more research if they truly want to follow that path.

No one knows it all, and by asking questions, there's so much that can be known. Sometimes, we let our status blind us to what we could have questioned because we don't know. Instead, we set our lips tight and acted more foolishly when we could have asked questions despite the eyes that may be watching us or how ridiculous our questions may sound.

If I were a cat, I would be on my last lifeline like Puss in the boots or maybe... dead. But dying won't be so bad knowing I was able to learn something rather than dying an ignorant death. Truly, I have heard statements like; "Somethings are better not be known" and I do agree only that I disagree as well.

I refuse to accept some things because it was said, but I am also not blind to the human world I have found myself. Some people do things and want others to follow blindly because it is a set rule or law that has been laid down for generations. No wonder some agree that, "Ignorance is bliss."

However, no matter how blissful it is, living a life where we are blindfolded isn't the right way to live. Taking off the blindfold isn't the best way either. But, there's no way we would know which is right or wrong unless we get to witness it ourselves. Not to be told, but to see it because that's how we truly learn. Experience! The best interpreter of actions that has been carried out.

In essence, let's not let ourselves be carried on a gold of lies because we don't want people to see us go through the mud. Ask questions no matter how ridiculous it sounds. Learn new things even if you may have to ask a kid. Don't think too highly of yourself toward others and learn because that's how you start as a human. If we don't learn, we won't be able to speak nor think, and if we can't think for ourselves, then there's emptiness. We become a shell, with no thoughts or emotions, just living without truly living life, and that's sad.

Yesterday, I got to learn about something exciting about a country, and I was amazed because far away, I thought the country wasn't that way. It couldn't be. But after researching, I saw things, and it made me look back at things I thought I knew about. Now, I know better, and today, I was able to speak about it to a close friend. It was exciting to share with her, and she shared more with me, and that's exactly how learning takes place.

Staying rooted in one place sometimes makes it hard to see other places because we feel like the place we are is the best. Things we don't feel right are done anyway because that's the way they are meant to be done. Don't be so certain about what you were told about because You don't know, you were just told, and so were many others.

Also, for #threetunestueday by @ablaze, here are my tunes for the day. I hope you find them as meaningful and relaxing more than I did. Have a wonderful evening.

Ignorance is bliss; Katelyn Tarver.

Ignorance is bliss; Kendrick Lamar.

You don't know;Katelyn Tarver.


All videos used were gotten from #YouTube.

Still yours truly,

Thanks for reading and listening.

Peace be unto those who crave it and more to those who chase it away.


I like the idea You have presented in your post. Many times when we stay roots in done place we stop to moving on in search of new and better options. I think it is because we are afraid to change.


Yeah, being afraid makes us ignorant to some things that will probably help us live life better. Thanks for stopping by


Best regards @balikis95
You move with an accusatory look, in a very true and valid epistemic complexity, but not everyone pays attention to the value. Curiosity and inquiry experienced and lived, can become with experience and knowledge a great ally. Many times, we limit ourselves to inherit “facts or truths from others” as dogmas, beliefs and affirmations, and when we scrutinize, we look for sustenance, there is none anywhere. We must be careful not to give support to what we do not know. Let us give ourselves the opportunity to investigate, search and enjoy the richness of discovery for ourselves.
Thank you for your thoughtful contribution to our community, we always enjoy your contributions. Health and Wellness !LUV

Saludos @balikis95
Te mueves con una mirada acusadora, en una complejidad epistémica muy cierta y válida, pero no todos prestan atención al valor. La curiosidad y la indagación experimentada y vivida, pueden convertirse con la experiencia y el conocimiento en un gran aliado. Muchas veces, nos limitamos a heredar “hechos o verdades de otros” como dogmas, creencias y afirmaciones, y cuando escudriñamos, buscamos sustento, no lo hay por ningún lado. Debemos tener cuidado de no dar soporte a lo que no conocemos. Démonos la oportunidad de indagar, buscar y disfrutar de la riqueza del descubrimiento por nosotros mismos.
Gracias por tu reflexivo aporte a nuestra comunidad, siempre disfrutamos de tus aportes. Salud y Bienestar.


Thanks for your response to this. Yeah, we must learn to explore ourselves because only then do we truly learn.

Have a nice day.


Same here, beautiful day !LADY




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There are a lot of things l understand and they all came as l keep questioning, you are right, one needs to asked questions 🥰 🙏


Yeah. We sure do. Thanks for stopping by and do have a nice day.
