The Unsaid Words//Las palabras no dichas. (Eng//Español)

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Deep inside, lies the words it seems,
Saying it out loud, you never know what it'll bring,
And so the words laid deep inside the soul,
Where there's a deep wish that it'll grow.

But it is a word will all know,
Because adulthood takes over, we hope,
Daring life each day because no one knows tomorrow,
To unravel the meaning behind the words buried in our soul.

Pray, will it? Unburden the heavy weight within us,
Carving out the unsaid words buried in us,
To protect, guide, provide, and honor us,
Just like we've done to those before us.

Myth, could it? Of the world after death,
But it is the belief we've chosen to bear,
For however it all turned out to be,
No mortal can be awake from the death bed
To tell us the password to get to the eternal world.


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Profundo dentro, yacen las palabras parece,
Decirlo en voz alta, nunca se sabe lo que traerá,
Y así las palabras yacen en lo profundo del alma,
Donde hay un profundo deseo de que crezca.

Pero es una palabra que todos conocemos,
Porque la edad adulta se hace cargo, esperamos,
Atreverse a la vida cada día porque nadie sabe mañana,
Para desentrañar el significado detrás de las palabras enterradas en nuestra alma.

Pray, ¿lo hará? Desahogar el pesado peso que llevamos dentro,
Desentrañar las palabras no dichas enterradas en nosotros,
Para protegernos, guiarnos, proveernos y honrarnos,
Al igual que hemos hecho a los que nos precedieron.

Mito, ¿podría ser? Del mundo después de la muerte,
Pero es la creencia que hemos elegido llevar,
Por lo que todo resultó ser,
Ningún mortal puede despertarse del lecho de muerte
Para decirnos la contraseña para llegar al mundo eterno.

Vídeo de #YouTube and text translated to Spanish with deepl

Still yours truly,

Thanks for reading and listening.

Peace be unto those who crave it and more to those who chase it away.


There is no greater pain than words that are stuck in the throat and can no longer be said. Sometimes words come late, especially after death. Greetings


Yeah, sometimes they do. Those unsaid words...

Thanks for reading


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