Taylor Momsen; Only love can...



After so much worrying about things I obviously can't fix, I decided to clear my mind a little bit of reality and see a movie. Yeah, an American show starring Ryan Reynolds. Anyone who has gotten to his movie would clearly say that he is really good and his movies are fun.

And yeah... that's what drew me to this movie, the fun aspect of things because I do need loads of that right now. But as I watched on and on, I realized a lot.

Yeah, people do change from being good to bad and vice-versa. And this is quiet troubling because, for some who has been always good and had earned people's trust with that, if the person turns bad, a lot of people will be burned by their actions and this begot the question,

"What changes people?" and have got just words for that, and that's "Life." Still, there's another four words which can redeem us, and that's "Love".

This brings me to songs, oh yeah... Taylor Momsen.

She is an American singer, lead vocals, rhythm guitar, musician, songwriter, model, and former actress. She was born on July 26th, 1993, in St. Louis, Missouri, U.S. which made yesterday her birthday.

However, today, I am using this medium to wish her a happy birthday and to share her songs with us.

There's no one in this life that is unredeemable. We all have that switch in us. That little feeble light in the midst of the darkness in us that can be lightened well if there's a spark sent toward it.

Everyone has their stories, their past, the actions that led them to this moment, and what needs to be done about their future selves.

I didn't have that much of a good past, the present isn't that better, and the future is unknown but I do hope it'd be best starting from this moment something can happen...a good deed can. Still, I am not blind to knowing that life can also happen.

These are 3 songs from Taylor Momsen that gave the inspiration, and hopefully, they can for you as well.

House on a hill; Taylor Momsen.

Only love can save me now; Taylor Momsen.

25; Taylor Momsen.

I do hope you had fun and much more than that listening to the listed songs from Taylor Momsen.

Image-Source and video from #YouTube.

Still yours truly,

Thanks for reading and listening.

Peace be unto those who crave it and more to those who chase it away.


This is the first time I've heard of this girl Taylor Momsen and she's super cool, especially her image. I see she started since 2009 and I loved that she kept a bit of the early 2000's sound in her repertoire. I understand you sharing her music today, not only because it's a special date but because this artist carries the energy of what you write in your post and I think it fits perfectly with the idea of this community where life and music come together, like a soundtrack to every moment we live. Good job my friend!.

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Yeah, it does. Thank you so much amigo for stopping by. Yes, she truly has an awesome voice and her songs speaks well too.

Thanks for the curation.


Only love can ... needed this inspiration today... thank you!


Love alone have alot to proof in everyone's life most especially in the case of bring unity, anyway happy birthday to her as you send your wishes across to her.


That's right. Thanks for stopping by
