A guest song from Аnri. "Tenderness" is a song from a popular movie.

There are many songs that don't lose their appeal over time. The world changes, people stay the same. They can still love and hate, they can do stupid things and good things. I wish people would become kinder, wiser and happier. But the realities of time and the situation in our country do not dispose to this. But still, it is important to remain human, not to lose humanity, not to let this system grind up the good that we have. We should hold on to this with both hands.

The opposition between two poles in our world, two systems, pseudo-democratic system and totalitarian system will not stop. As oil cannot mix with water, so these two camps cannot find common values and what to build normal relations on, good neighborly and respectful. Politics is like a woman of easy behavior, it is corrupt and cynical. Backed by false propaganda, it destroys people's reason and conscience, they in their hatred cannot preserve real human values and continue their rapid leap to nowhere. I wish this madness would stop and real peace and security would come, but it is impossible as long as we live in this system, where Satan rules the world. He pulls the strings and controls the situation, and it gets worse and worse.

But I won't talk more about sad things in this article. Today I want to return to a song which, in my opinion, is very good and heartfelt. It mentions Antoine Marie Jean-Baptiste Roger de Saint-Exupery - French writer, journalist, poet, screenwriter and professional aviator, thinker. The thought of him, adorns this song. So, listen, colleagues, to the song "Tenderness" from the movie "Three Poplars on Plyushchikha".


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