RE: New Years Eve Holiday Selfie | A Mixed Media Art Project

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Actually, I don't like selfies either, but because I'm used to it for work, I took some photos for my content needs.

Well, I hope you have more unlimited creativity in this new year. Nice to meet you.
Take care 😊


It was nice to meet you too. I can understand when including yourself is necessary to document an event. I participated once in a cooking challenge, and the requirement was that at some point, you were required to include your image performing at least one of the tasks.

I look forward to creating more mixed media art projects and writing short story fictions in 2025. Just going to take it a bit easier and not try to post daily.

Thanks so much for your encouragement, engagement, and support last year. Hope to see more of your fabulous dishes and interesting places you visit. Take care and have a good rest of your week.

