Capitalism Defined?
Below in italics is an anonymous post on capitalism that was posted on Craigslist. My commentary is below.
Someone posted begging anyone to explain capitalism (as if that’s hard). So, here goes, but I warn you, you need a double-digit IQ and a bit of reading comprehension to grasp. Good luck.
Value is created by labor. A pile of wood at a table factory remains a pile until workers apply labor, which adds value by turning the wood into a table.
Say the wood pile had the value of $100 but once it is converted to table by the labor of a worker, it has the value of $1000 which the boss realizes by selling it in the marketplace.
Say the time the worker spent adding value to the wood pile is 10 hours. Say the worker gets $20 an hour for those 10 hours. The worker added $900 of value through their labor but only gets paid $200 of that.
The difference is value that the boss keeps. It is value that is unpaid to the worker, even though it was created by the worker’s sweat and brain power. This is the exploitation that we liberals refer to.
It gets more interesting.
The surplus value–the gross profit–is kept by the boss for their own. From this they pay the rent/mortgage on the factory, buy the woodworking saws and drill presses, raw wood, and other inputs like heat and electricity. The surplus value also pays the worker’s wage. And finally, the boss keeps a bunch of that worker-created profit in their own pocket, called net profit.
The worker actually pays the boss’s rent or purchases the factory land and building and buys the machines. The worker also actually creates the boss’s profit cut. Everything the boss gets comes from the labor of the worker. But the worker doesn’t get even close to the full value they create. It’s a great deal for the boss but crappy for the worker.
This is the basis of the capitalist system: the exploitation of workers’ labor power.
If you don’t understand this, that’s fine. No need to email me calling me a bunch of rude names, using poor grammar with tons of misspellings and zero punctuation. It isn’t my fault if your education failed you. That’s another rant for another day.
This definition was one aspect of Marxist work (surplus value) that was more disclosure by Intel. as it existed around the turn of the 20th century. Basically, it was just the Pharaonic Hebrew EL ites letting the Gentiles know how their business models work. But let me assure you that capitalism did not stop in that era. What you should understand is that definition and that era was founded on the economics of the manufacturing and industrial models.
A key point within that era was that governments at the time subsidized this burgeoning corporatism by funding, via the social sphere: housing, food, education, and to some degree healthcare. So governments laid the economic foundations for that era of corporatism and in doing so kept humanity’s basic living needs well within the reach of the common working person. Another key takeaway to understand is that this model made the West’s nations the most successful in world history.
It’s here I’ll once again call on Miles Mathis’ idea of resetting economics to an earlier era. My own line of thinking along that line is the Hebrews could have stopped at New York! From what I can tell it was everything they ever dreamed of and there is no doubt they created it and owned it. Certainly by the 60’s and 70’s New York was the center of the world party that they threw once they took control of oil in the Middle East mid-century. And yes, in many ways, rock-n-roll would have never happened without that cheap seemingly *unlimited supply of oil.
Ah, but they did not stop did they? In fact, there are those asserting today that the war in Ukraine is really about retaking those lands that were the traditional lands of the Ashkenazi. So even the Middle East wasn’t enough if this theory pans out and from my view, it looks to be the case that it will. Yes, indeed, there are Nazis in Ukraine, but the media will jump over backward telling you it’s those damn pesky Germans! In CAINada today there is more farce and absurdity along these lines promoted by the Ashkenazi-controlled media and politicians.
Flash forward to the 80s. Financialization or what I call the monetization of everything replaced industrial/manufacturing and it’s basically e CON omic liberalism on crack cocaine or liberalism gone mad as portrayed in the movie A Clockward Orange. But if you’re a researcher worth your salt you’ll know that that thinking had its roots with the Pharaonic Hebrew El ites in the 18th dynasty 33 centuries ago and they conquered Egypt and shortly thereafter Greece, Rome, and the West. So they definitely know how to play the long game.
Financialization is basically all about making money with money rather than creating a widget (the table above). In fact, it’s nothing other than usurious economics with mental abstraction creating every imaginable, grift, ponzi scheme, or pyramid scheme, with its center of gravity grounded on the gambling mafia casino model of doing business. In a way you can think of it as upping the ante on the usury of fiat currency creation so in reality another doubling down of economic crime from a spiritual perspective. But the primary point in my mind is the government ended ‘playing nice’ with the working class and abandoned the notion of being the foundational support for humanity’s four basic needs of housing, food, education, and healthcare. At least in the West…
So the Hebrews, in their long game, helped outsource the most successful economic model in human history to the Far East. From what I can tell these ‘archon technocrats’ ( EL ites) just followed the number crunching and the 21st-century demographics steered them to Asia–which I believe they also control– at the very least since Marx, but perhaps much earlier. So where did that leave the working Gentiles in the West? Homeless! Or, call it whatever you want: high rent/low wage; neo-feudalsm; etc., but the point is these shenanigans have turned the majority of Gentile workers in the West into economic slaves of some sort with little chance now of rising above their serfdom.
Of course, the Chinese and, Asia in general, ran with their newfound wealth, and a large part of that was buying up real-estate assets in the West and adding them to their speculative portfolio Holding Companies. I can’t really blame them for this but I also don’t have to like it. But we are now seeing the serpent eating its tail in the East as they also turn their countries towards the grifting financialization model. This is why we see graveyards of electric vehicles turning to rust as the Chinese swallow the crack of speculative investment–it really is a frenzy of pathological economic obsession. Of course, this happened in Japan, in the 80’s, too, as they rolled the dice on corporate speculation and turned away from manufacturing which saw tens of thousands of young Japanese men commit suicide.
And what is the common denominator of all of this? The Central Banking Cartels with their boom and bust usurious economics. When I first put this/my site online in 2017 I did a series called
and coincidentally the primary idea was to end speculation on humanity’s four basic needs of homes, food, education, and healthcare! And what was the response from these archon technocrats? Well, they contacted me and wanted to discuss civilly my ideas! HAHAHA! And if you believe that I’ve got some #$^% coin you might like! In truth, they canceled me and used social media to target me for serious injury and I’m now permanently disabled and not by accident.
And, of course, they ushered in the pandemic shortly after with the economics being the complete inversion of everything I said. Hmmmm, I remember in my early days of commenting over at the left-wing rag Truthdig where one of the hebrews told me how insolent I was to dare question their superiority. This makes sense if the Christian Gnostics who hold my views are correct about Yahweh’s malevolence and how that has affected his tribe.
In my opinion, this abandoning of the people will be their undoing but arrogance combined with spiritual ignorance has blinded them to consequences. But it could be that the demiurgic script here is deterministic and if that’s true there is no stopping them.
NOTE* imagine if oil was used sparingly and conservatively and that these archon EL ites didn’t go into every country on earth and disrupt centuries of sustainable living and cultures.