“Tak Ingin Sendiri” (in English: “I don't want to be alone”)-Dian Piesesha // cover by @amrinal2021

I present to you an old song that was popular in Indonesia in the 80s. A song called “Tak Ingin Sendiri”, in English means: “I don't want to be alone”. This song was popularized by a legendary female singer in Indonesia, her name is Dian Piesesha. This song is still loved by many people, even today. So, I cover this song with my version. Check this out!
Lyrics “Tak Ingin Sendiri” - Dian Piesesha (Bahasa & English)
Aku masih seperti yang dulu
Menunggumu sampai akhir hidupku
Kesetiaanku tak luntur hati pun rela berkorban
Demi keutuhan kau dan aku
I’m still like I used to be
Waiting for you till the end of my life
My loyalty doesn't fade, my heart is willing to sacrifice
For the sake of the integrity of you and me
Biarkanlah aku memiliki
Semua cinta yang ada di hatimu
Apapun kan kuberikan cinta dan kerinduan
Untukmu dambaan hatiku
Let me have
All the love in your heart
Whatever it is,
I will give you love and longing
For you my heart's desire
Malam ini tak ingin aku sendir
Kucari damai bersama bayanganmu
Hangat pelukan yang masih kurasa
Kau kasih, kau sayang
Tonight I don't want to be alone
I seek peace with your shadow
Warm hugs I still fee
You are my love, you are my love
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