Love Your Flaws..

Many years ago, I recall when I was still in high school and sat beside a certain girl who looked truly amazing to me, I secretly admired her facial structure and her freckles especially as they made her look unique and very beautiful.

Truth was, I never told her how beautiful she was, I only looked at her often and took my eyes until one day we had a session in school about "self-esteem" I remember our teacher gave each of us a piece of paper to write out what we love most about ourselves and what we hated about ourselves without writing out the name on the paper.

I wrote that I loved my dentition, my hair length and colour and I hated the colours of my eyes as I never had a very white eye like many of them in the class. My eyes are the cutest little thing rn.

For this story, I will change my teacher's name to Mrs. Bee, after submitting our paper to her, she picked them up and began reading each of them in front of the class.

Immediately I heard "I hate my freckles" I knew it was Beulah who had written that, as she was the only girl with freckles in our class.

"That's Beulah!" I interrupted, "and that's the most beautiful thing about her, "I uttered.


"I have been admiring her facial structure for I long time, especially her freckles, they are scanty and beautiful" I further added.

I could sense the shock on Bealah's face, I bet she never thought anyone who be attracted to her "flaws."

"I felt embarrassed each time you looked at me, I felt you were focusing on my freckles and how odd they made me feel." Beulah managed to reply to me and then I realised I felt so too, when people look at me, maybe they are just focusing on my flaws as well.

Mrs Bee changed our mindset that very day and taught us that we are beautifully made and specially made in God's image, "Have you taken your time to see how beautiful your eyelashes are? She turned toward me and asked and that day we all realized that there's beauty in our imperfections.

That thing you do not like about yourself might be what attracted someone to you, so love your perfect imperfections.

Why am I narrating this story today? Well, I and one of my not-so-little friends got talking today, she's probably in her mid-teens and then I realised she has some insecure feelings about her looks, especially her body and height.

She told me how most of her classmates body shame her in school and I remembered my story just to teach her that we are all unique and awesomely made.

To top it up, I brought out my phone and played the Bruno Mars song to her.

Bruno Mars ---Just The Way You Are

I could see how beautiful her smiles were and I began telling her what I loved most about her physique and appearance, I taught her self-confidence today and I complimented her so much.

I reminded her that she was still a growing child and that she could grow way more beautiful than the way she is when she transitions into adulthood.

This is not the girl, but one of my babies.

I learned something valuable today, that a little compliment can change everything, when we see people out there, it's not out of the place to genuinely compliment them, pay attention to something amazing about them and remind them, if they smell nice, dress cute, have lovely eyes, smile, hair texture, and anything out all that makes them feel good, it's not out of the place to remind them how beautiful their body feature makes them look, and this is not gender-based.

Thumbnail designed with canva. The second image is mine.


Bang, I did it again... I just rehived your post!
Week 181 of my contest just can now check the winners of the previous week!


This is true, and a power reminder at that. We are beautiful and nothing or no part of our body is ugly. It is important that we learn to love ourselves the way we are and appreciate God for making us so unique and beautiful.


Yes, we must learn to love ourselves for we are awesomely made. Thanks for visiting.


This is simply beautiful. Your daughter is so blessed to have you around her, reminding her how uniquely beautiful she is and boosting her self-confidence. It is true what you said, a genuine compliment goes a long way. We never know how much it changes another person's feelings towards themselves.



Yes, ma'am, I am. glad I could change her mindset with my beautiful compliment.

Thank you so much ma'am for reading me.


It´s a struggle to look beyond your own imperfections and accept that what you hate about yourself might be that what is attractive our pretty to another person. As I have written many times before.... kids now more than ever grow up in a world that is very much focused on the outside....

But if we allow ourselves to focus too much on that, we will not focus on what really matters...on what is on the inside and therefore become less attractive on the inside....which I think is something I see happening more and more.


You are so right, the person on the inside matters most, which is why we pay attention to our character and personality more than we do to how we look on the outside.

Thank you so much for taking your time fo read me.


Compliments is one way of reminding people that you see them for who they are especially when they have lost sight of their own selves. What you did was truly great
