The Land

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A land full of passion and strength
Full of peace and harmony,
A home of mineral resources
A source of attraction to foreigners

A land blessed with the color of
Green vegetation and the symbol
Of peace situated at the middle
A land with different ethnicity, yet,
Bounded in unity
A land with slogans of pride in its blood
The food basket of the Nation
The home of peace and tourism
The seat of the Caliphate
The pride of the sahel
The peoples paradise
The coal city land
It is a land marked with an unstained

A land wished by so many to inherit
A promised land
The epitome of beauty dwells in the
Dark skin of the inhabitants
A land flowing with milk and

That beautiful land is infected with
a virus
The land is sick, the beauty that dwells
In it is fading
The unstained purity is now stained
With blood of the inhabitants
A peaceful land, now a war zone

A land flowing with milk and honey
Is now flowing with tears and pains
The pride that makes their slogans
Are buried in shame.
The land is now deprived of it
Mineral resources
The land is dried and deserted
That land is now a cemetery
The labor of their heroes past
Is now in vain.


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