RE: Music


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Hi @bexxg33, I'm still trying to help new users on the platform to grow as content creators, so I'll leave you some other suggestions:

  • 1-Remember to publish the Spanish translation of your post that you publish in Aliento (it is one of the rules of our community) please remember to always read the rules of each community.

  • 2-Focus the posts in niches according to the content, there are many communities, we are sure you will find one according to each post, for example, this post would have looked great in LIFESTYLE

  • 3- It is recommended to make only one post daily, remember that this is not only a social network, it is also a platform for monetization of content and if you publish too often can be seen as abuse of rewards.

If you have any doubts do not forget to write us through our social networks that we leave you in the banner below, we can guide you before publishing.

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I will be more mindful! Thank you.
