RE: (ENG/SPA) The World of Hans Zimmer Composer Review
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A veces pasa que, apenas conocemos un artista , nos sorprendemos que sean los autores de obras que conocemos pero nunca prestamos atención a quien las creo. Acabo de rememorar mi infancia con el rey león no tenia ni idea que el creador de la banda sonora de esta joya de Disney era el mismo que de muchas otras pelis wow... un genio la verdad. Las bandas sonoras son muy importantes la verdad, dan mas sentimiento a la historia imagínate sino una escena épica sin música épica de fondo ufff... no es lo mismo. Gracias promexxx
I just read a review of the film with more realistic effects etc and I read that the music comes from Hans Zimmer and I WoW that crazyX ajja, I had to go to TMDB and when I confirmed, the pleasant surprise that you mention, I thought it had caught boom with Batman but it has been many decades among the great hollywood films and the boy is funny, has several gifs haha
Uy yes, that's the powerful addition that have the films and series etc or good audio visual media, the quality of a music that yes, take the scenes and conflicts to another level remind me this Muajahj 😬